Chapter Five: Cliff Diving

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Sadie's POV:
That morning I was unaware of what would happen. I hadn't noticed that Finn kissed me when he did, I was too sleep deprived. When I thought about it in the morning, I was scared of what would happen.
Millie had left to go swimming, I stayed because I was still sleepy as fuck, and Finn stayed because he was still hung over.
"God, what time is it?" Finn groans as he wakes up.
"It's one:thirty o'clock" I answered using my phone on my bed.
"What happened yesterday?" Finn groans.
"You got drunk." Then I realized. "Wait you don't remember anything?"
"No?" Finn says as he collapses his face back onto his pillow.

~Time Skip~

Three weeks had gone by.
The vacation was over and I was back at staying with Finn and Millie. I got used to the arguing and stuff but everything was alright.

Finn enters our bedroom.
"Get in the car." Finn demands.
"What?" I asked.
"Just get in, I wanna hang out." Finn chuckled.
The car ride was long and I had no idea where we were going.

We had finally made to our destination.
It was the beach where Finn has kissed me.
Finn opens the car door for me and drags me by my arm.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"Somewhere only we know." He said as he began running.
He ran to the cliff where we had our conversation about the shirt. We sat at the ledge of the cliff over a towel he had brung.
"Why'd you bring me here?" I asked.
"I just wanted to explain to you what had happened." Finn answered.
"Start then." I said.
"I don't... I don't know where to start." Finn stuttered.
"Start with the shirt." I chuckled.
"Okay, okay." Finn says.
He takes a deep breath and then let's it out.
"Do you remember our first concert?" Finn asked.
"Barely." I said.
"It was an Oasis concert, you had to bed your parents for months to let you go with me, because they didn't trust you with me." Finn said.
"Yeah, they could've sworn we wear secretly dating." I giggled, as I fiddled with my feet. "What does this have to do with the shirt?"
"I'm getting to it!" Finn laughs.
I chuckled for a moment.
"I had to have a dinner with your dad, I think we were in the eight grade." Finn explains. "We planned out the whole concert and we were late to meet Millie and Noah and all those people at the hill."
Finn takes a long pause.
"We used to tell them we got detention when really we'd be out at a coffee shop talking or something." Finn laughed.
I laughed as well.
"We took a bus at four-thirty, and by the time we got to the concert it was already night, I promised your dad you'd be home by eleven." Finn said. "He acted like it was a date."
"Was it?" I asked.
"Now that I think of it, yeah a little bit."
Me and Finn both laughed.
"Anyways, I remember, after the concert they were selling t-shirts, and you told me I should buy one." Finn explained. "They were way too big for me but you promised I'd grow into them and I did."
I realized what this story was about.
"I bought one, and I remember after the concert we walked out of the arena and you look me straight in the eye and say 'I had so much fun with you, best time day of my life.' And I looked at you and there was a moment of silence, you grabbed my face and you kissed me." Finn chuckled a little.
"Oh, yeah, my first kiss." I laughed.
"Mine too." Finn says still looking at the ground.
"Anyways, your lips were really soft by the way, I really enjoyed that kiss." Finn laughs.
I chuckled a little.
"That shirt I gave you, it was the shirt I bought at the concert and I saw you wearing it and I wanted to kiss you because it made me happy and it unlocked so many memories for me and it reminded me of our first kiss." Finn stops sitting and lays down on the towel, and so do I.
"Then, I started dating Millie and I thought, it's not gonna work between me and Millie if I keep seeing you wear that because I could only think of that night." Finn said.
"I understand." I said with a blank expression.
"You do?" Finn asked.
"Yeah, I'll give you your shirt back." I said.
A big part of me didn't want to. I cared about Finn. If Millie made him happy, then I'd be happy.
"No, just keep it." Finn said.
"Finn?" I called.
"Hmm?" Finn responds.
"Why did you kiss me, when we were at this beach." I said. "Y'know, arguing."

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