Chapter Two

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Thankful he's free of his lunch time detention, Dean cheerily makes his way into the cafeteria, excited to be able to sit down and eat his beloved pie that is waiting for him in his bag. He sits at a table by himself, which would be embarrassing for anyone else, but he is Dean Winchester and Dean Winchester can do whatever the fuck he wants. 

He digs his fork into his food and takes a bite, closing his eyes and moaning at the goodness of the delicious pie flavour. When he opens his eyes, he isn't expecting to see a guy in a trench coat standing right in front of him.

"Uh-" he starts choking on his food. Oh god, could this be any more embarrassing? "Hey Cas." He manages to splutter out.

Cas has an amused look on his face. "Is this seat taken?" He asks, pointing to the one in front of Dean.

"No, no! Go on, join me." Dean smiles between coughs, leading for his eyes to well up with tears.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Are you, are you okay?" Cas asks with furrowed brows. "Here, have some of this." He offers him a water bottle and Dean takes it quickly, sculling down a generous amount.

Dean sighs a breath of relief. "Thanks."

"No problem. Did you skip detention?" Cas gives him a weak smile.

"Nah, Mr Crowley let me off. Seems as if he's not so bad after all."

Cas' smile grows bigger. "That's great Dean."

Dean takes another bite out of his pie and moans. "Mmmm, yeah."

Cas raises an eyebrow, the corners of his lips tugging slightly upwards in what looks like an attempt not to smile. "You want me to give you two some privacy?" 

Dean laughs, "It's just really good pie, okay?"

"I couldn't possibly agree or disagree."

Dean's eyebrows raise in confusion. "Huh?"

"I've just never tried a pie before." Cas says way too casually.

Dean's eyes widen and he almost starts to choke on his food again. "You...What? You're kidding me, right?"

Cas does his usual 'cock his head to the right and naive expression' face. "I can assure you that it wasn't a joke, Dean."

Dean sits there with his jaw almost on the floor, not understanding how this man has lived his life without understanding the beauty and delicious taste of his favourite food.

"Okay, here. Try some of this." He says, digging his fork into the pie and then offering it to Cas.

"No no no, Dean, I couldn't possibly do that. It's your lunch."

"I'm not letting you leave this room being a pie virgin, Castiel...Castiel?"

"Novak. Castiel Novak."

"I'm not letting you leave this room being a pie virgin, Castiel Novak."

Cas laughs, his grin hurting his cheeks from being so wide. "Alright, alright." He takes the fork from Dean and places it into his mouth.

Cas closes his eyes as he eats the bit of pie that is on the fork and repeats the same moaning sound he heard Dean do a few minutes ago. When he opens his eyes, Dean is looking at him with wide eyes and red cheeks. It seems to turn into a staring contest. A game of; 'who is going to break the tension first?'. Dean wants to look away but he literally can't. He is physically frozen and the only thing he can feel is his heart stammering hard against his chest. Thank god for Jo, who interrupts the awkward moment by coming to sit down next to Cas, placing her food plate on the table in front of her.

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