Our Promise

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The Konoha Headquarters. It was an office for bosses of all the Konoha schools including Suna High, Kumo High, Kiri High and many others. The schools in Konoha were all joined together as a union. This was the place where Tsunade could be found. The building was easily compared with the Uchiha HQ due to it's intimidating size.

"Being at this place brings back unwanted memories.." sighed Kiba as he looked up at the towering building.

"All of us did our job interviews here right? I don't want to remember it at all" said Sakura.

"Let's go in?" asked Hinata.

The three entered the lobby and headed to the reception desk where a young lady sat. There was a nametag on her coat that stated "Shizune" her name.

"Hello, welcome to Konoha HQ. May I know what is your purpose of your visit and please indicate which school you are from." said Shizune.

"We are teachers from Konoha High. We are here to talk with our superior, Tsunade." said Sakura.

"Very well, Tsunade is currently in the office. Please proceed to the lift and head to the fifth floor. Her office is the first door on your right." said Shizune as she started typing something into the computer.

"Thank you!" said Sakura as the three headed to the lift and followed the directions Shizune gave them. They soon arrive at the door. The three stood there nervously.

"Knock the door Sakura!" whispered Kiba.

"No, you do it!" replied Sakura.

"Stop bickering and come in already" said Tsunade. She could hear those two just outside the door.

"Good day, Tsunade-sama. We've come to talk to you about something important" said Sakura.

"Something important? What is this concerning about?" asked Tsunade.

"It's about Uzumaki Naruto. He hasn't come to work for almost a week now. We've texted and called him but to no avail. We just visited his house and it was empty! Tsunade-sama, do you know anything about this?" said Sakura.

"He's on a special leave like I stated in the e-mail"

"But where is he going? Why does he have a special leave?"

"Well, I think I don't need to tell you that" said Tsunade as she placed her eyes on a nervous Hinata.

"What do you mean Tsunade-sama?" asked Kiba.

"Hinata knows everything. In fact, more than I know." said Tsunade. Both Sakura and Kiba turned their attention to Hinata. Hinata tried to avoid eye contact with them.

"Hinata, why didn't you tell us earlier? Or rather, why were you hiding it from us?" asked Sakura.

"Because...I promised Naruto not to tell you." said Hinata.

"A promise huh. But sometimes in dire times, promises have to broken Hinata" said Kiba.

"But Naruto doesn't want you to involve in his personal business"

"Screw that! His personal business means our personal business as well!" said Kiba.

"That's right, I don't want this to become a similiar situation like Sasuke's" said Sakura.

Hinata who became slightly convinced decided to tell the truth.


Back at the small cafe on Christmas Day, Naruto wanted to speak to Hinata regarding a serious matter. He took out a small, red box along with a piece of paper.

"Hinata, during autumn I recieved a letter from my godfather Jiraiya. He said that he found my father's will. Since young, my parents both died so I never really knew them. That's why Jiraiya took care of me. When I read my father's will, he left behind something valuable. In fact, my true clan wasn't the Uzumaki. It was the Namikaze. Apparently, they were a famous and once powerful clan that ruled Konoha long before the Uchihas and the Hyuugas." said Naruto as he paused to catch a breath.

"So your true name is Namikaze Naruto and not Uzumaki Naruto?" asked Hinata.

"Well, Uzumaki is my mother's clan name. Actually, ever since I recieved this letter the situation got really complicated. Our boss, Tsunade-sama is somehow related to me and now, I've been asked to find that item my father has asked me to, in his will. That is why, I have to temporaily skip work."

"But, when will you be back?"

"I'm not sure. The Namikazes have expanded themselves across the world but because they are almost extinct, it will take time to find that item. It's a family heirloom apparently. Hinata, I hope you understand my situation" said Naruto as he carefully held Hinata's hands.

"Can't I go with you? If you are to leave, you won't be around in Konoha anymore right? I won't see you as often. We..can't have dates like this.." Hinata paused as she realized a small tear fell across her cheek. She noticed that Naruto cupped her face into his hands and gently, kissed her.

"I'm sorry my Nata. It is my personal family matter so I have to handle this myself. I promise that I will come back. One day that is." said Naruto.

"Then, what is in that red box?" asked Hinata. A small grin appeared on Naruto's face.

"This is for you. I want you to keep it until I return. Don't open it, it will ruin the fun" smiled Naruto.

"When will you leave?" asked Hinata.

"New Year. But Nata, promise me that you won't tell anyone else. This is something secret between ourselves, alright?" said Naruto as his nose touched Hinata's.

"Promise." smiled Hinata.

~End of Flashback~

"So Naruto got himself involved in a family matter? I still find it strange why he wants this a secret though" said Kiba.

"At least, we know what on earth he is doing." sighed Sakura in relief.

"Well, since you three are already here...." interrupted Tsunade.

"I've got myself some replacement teachers until Naruto comes back" said Tsunade.

"New teachers again? Oi Tsunade-sama, aren't you just freely taking random people on the streets?" said Kiba.

"Sasori and Deidara. They'll be coming over next week." said Tsunade.

"Male teachers again? If only you'd hire more female teachers.." mumbled Kiba.

"Alright Tsunade-sama, I'll pass on the news to the others. Sorry for interrupting!" said Sakura as the three left the office.

However, as soon as they exited the Headquarters, they were met with a strange group of people. There were three people standing in front of them, all wearing the same black robes with cloud prints on them.

"Do you need something?" asked Sakura.

"You look beautiful lady. Just like art" said a man with long, blonde hair.

"Careful Sakura, they may be a bunch of stalkers or something" whispered Kiba as he stood in front of Sakura and Hinata.

"I think we can take these three right?" said a tall man with pale, blue skin.

"That's fine isn't it. Master said to capture them only, so don't kill them." said a young man with bright, red hair.

There was a suspicious air going around. A tension stood between the two sides. What exactly awaits Sakura, Kiba and Hinata?

Konoha Teacher Society Volume 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant