The Red Box

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On the rooftop of Konoha High, Hinata is taking a break as she enjoys the cooling breeze. She comes here very often ever since Naruto left. The wind became her companion.

As there were no word of where Naruto went, Hinata became worried. She texted him and waited for a reply.

"Where are you?" texted Hinata.

She stared at her phone just waiting for a notification. However, nothing appeared. Hinata sighed as she looked up at the blue, clear sky for comfort. She missed him.

Suddenly, Hinata's phone vibrated. It was a text from Naruto.

"I just landed in the Bahamas Nata

"You are overseas?"

"Yeah! I'm definately gonna buy a souveneir for everyone! ^.^ "

"Come back soon alright? :) "

"I will. Love ya Nata

The text ended there. Hinata had to return to work. Her face brighten up a little after knowing where Naruto was. Soon, everyone knew where Naruto went. Some were envious, some didn't care.

As the days went by, Naruto and Hinata continued to text each other. They were well-informed of what happened on their side. Naruto struggled to find his family heirloom, a necklace made out of pure emerald.

For a month, Naruto was with his godfather, Jiraiya in Bahamas looking for the heirloom. Months passed and still to no avail. Naruto has now been on his "special leave" for nearly 8 months now.

Both Naruto and Hinata missed each other dearly. They longed for their intimacy but they were so far away.


A year has passed since then. Konoha High has been established as one of the top ranking schools in Konoha. Their staff now included former Akatsuki members who were now teachers. Like a cycle, Christmas returned. However this time, the teachers planned a Christmas Eve party all together.

It was a joyious night as everybody was comfortable and definately, drunk. Couples enjoyed their time with each other and the single men sulked in a corner, drinking their sorrows away. But, Hinata was all alone that Christmas night. Although it was supposed to be a happy season, she couldn't bring herself to feel happy. She was missing Naruto by her side.

Eventually, the party ended with most of the teachers ending up drunk again.

"I-I swear~ I will get a girlfriend!" mumbled Kiba as his face turned red.

"T-the world is spinning. Its... beautiful" mumbled Deidara.

"Drunk people should just go home!" shouted Chouji.

"Not you too..." sighed Shikamaru.

"Well, I think it's time for everybody to go now" said Sakura.

"What about you Hinata?" asked Ino.

"I can go home by myself. It's okay" said Hinata.

"You sure? It's not safe for a lady to be walking out alone at night" said Tenten worriedly.

"It's alright guys. You don't have to worry about me" smiled Hinata.


Hinata left the noisy Ichiraku bar all by herself, walking down the dark, empty street with only the streetlights lighting her path. Hinata sighed as she took careful steps. She looked up at the night sky, hoping to see Naruto again.

It was at that moment, someone suddenly hugged her from behind. Hinata quickly tried to free herself as she thought it might've been a stalker.

"Don't move Nata." whispered a familiar voice.

"N-naruto-kun?" answered Hinata. She turned around and saw her blond, shining in the moonlight.

"I'm back, my Nata" grinned Naruto as he hugged her tightly. It was then, tears flowed down Hinata's cheeks.

"I've really missed you. So, so much." said Hinata softly as she snuggled her head into Naruto's jacket, smelling it and wiping her hot tears.

"Don't cry Nata. You'll make me cry too..." whispered Naruto softly as his eyes turned wet.

The two shared a long hug before releasing themselves to share a long, passionate kiss under the moon. A kiss that yearned their longing. A kiss filled with happiness and joy. Two lips that have been waiting to touch each other.

"Hinata..." whispered Naruto as he gently cupped her face into his hands.

"What is it, Naruto-kun"

"Do you have the red box that I gave you long ago?"

"I carry it all the time because it reminds me of you." smiled Hinata.

"Can I have it?" Hinata then reached into her pockets and gave Naruto the red box.

"Hinata..." said Naruto as he held the red box in his hand.

"Remember I asked you to only open it when I returned?"

"Yes, I do"

"You can open it now" smiled Naruto. Hinata then reached her hands onto the box that rested on Naruto's hands. The moment she opened it, she gasped. There was a diamond ring greeting her.

"Naruto-kun,this is...."

"Marry me Hinata." smiled Naruto.

"I always will." smiled Hinata as a small tear fell down her cheek. She then tossed herself into Naruto's arms as their kisses and hugs danced in the moonlight that Christmas.

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