Chapter xviii

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**Chapter contains explicit sexual content

**please read the author note at the end of this chapter xx

Harry was rummaging around his closet, looking for Louis' birthday present and Christmas presents so he could pack them before Louis got home from work. It was their last day working before they left for the holidays. Harry had worked from home and finished early, and Louis was due home any minute.
Harry grabbed the small wrapped gift from the bottom shelf, and the larger wrapped box from under his photo developing table. He'd gotten presents for Louis's birthday and for Christmas, hoping to have him open the birthday one alone before opening the other with their families. Harry walked back into the bedroom, gifts in hand, and grabbed his backpack off the bed. He tucked the presents into the bag and threw in the pile of clothes he wanted to pack, before zipping the bag and setting it by the door.

As he walked into the living room, Harry watched Louis come through the front door.

Hey Lou! Harry smiled and made his way over to him.

Hi love. How was your day? Louis placed a gentle kiss to Harry's lips before pulling off his coat and boots.

It was good, all packed.

I still need to do that. Louis made a goofy face and they plopped down onto the couch.

Any idea what you want to do for dinner, H?

We've got soup? Does that sound okay? I can make some garlic toast.

Sounds amazing. Are you still up for breakfast tomorrow?

Harry had come around to the idea of finally going out for breakfast with his friends. They'd asked him a few times since he'd been home, and he'd finally agreed to grab breakfast with everyone before they left for Holmes Chapel at noon.

Yeah, definitely. I miss everyone.

They miss you too, boo. Louis leaned forward and kissed the tip of Harry's nose.

I love you. Harry kissed his lips.

I love you too baby.

You want to go pack and I'll start dinner?

Sure. Louis stood from the couch and pulled Harry up with him, giving him another kiss before departing to the bedroom.

Harry smiled as he watched Louis walk away and then made his way into the kitchen.
He pulled out a large pot and a container of soup, setting everything up on the stove, before cutting a few slices of bread that Louis had picked up at the shop the day before. When the bread was toasting and the soup was heating, Harry went to sit with Louis while he packed.

Hey. He signed as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

Hey. Thanks for starting dinner, love.

Of course. It'll be ready soon. You need any help packing?

Nope! Louis signed before pulling the zipper on his bag shut. All done.

Harry smiled and pulled Louis in between his legs, pressing a deep kiss to his lips.Louis heard the timer go off on the stove as Harry wrapped his legs around his waist.

Baby. Louis signed as Harry kissed him again.



Harry pressed another kiss to his lips before removing his legs from around Louis' waist. Louis went to the kitchen to turn the timer off and remove the pot from the stove, Harry followed behind him, leaning against the counter, watching Louis with a smile. Once soup and garlic toast were served, the boys sat side by side, arms touching, at the counter to eat.

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