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Two| Noice

Olivia Rose_______________

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Olivia Rose

"I HAVE never met someone so prone to accidentally hurting themselves."

I groan, my hair sticking to my forehead as I tried to catch my breath on the mat. Apollo scowled down at me, his arms crossed over his chest and not a single bead of sweat lining his forehead. I laid like a starfish, already knowing that I would be sleeping for two weeks straight.

"Get up, come on." He spoke, dark eyes glaring. "At this rate, we won't ever complete your test. To which, by the way, you get a three."

"A three?" I let out an offended gasp. "Come on, that punch was at least a five."

"You tried to punch me but you tripped over fucking air, Olivia, and ended up falling straight on your ass. How are you supposed to defend yourself from an attacker if you can't even walk on two feet?"

"By running?"

"You can't run to save your life."

"But I can if I am in a life and death situation." I wiggle my eyebrows.

"You are going to die." He snarls. "You won't survive two seconds in the field because you would probably shoot yourself with a gun or some shit." He grips my arm and pulls me up in one smooth motion.

"Nooo!" I whine, hugging the punching bag to my chest and resting my cheek against the material. "Let me just take a nap-"

"It hasn't been that long-"

"Yes, it has! We have been training, for what? Two hours now?"

"It's only been fifteen minutes, Olivia." He deadpans. "And you are failing. Horribly."

I pout.

"Let's just finish the test before I lose any more brain cells."

"If you even have a brain." I snorted, but quickly covered it up with a cough when he shot me an icy glare. I slowly made my way towards him, holding up my hands like he taught me to. It was a bit embarrassing when I didn't even know how to form a fist, but there are so many embarrassing moments in my life that I am just used to it at this point.

"Last part of this test." Apollo casually shoved his hands in his pockets. "An attacker is standing in front of you, and he has a knife. How are you going to defend yourself?"

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