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Olivia Rose


"DON'T even think about calling anyone, sweetheart, I have cameras all over this place and I won't hesitate to blow your pretty little head."

I hate this.

I absolutely and utterly hate this. I wasn't even supposed to step in the field! I was supposed to be with Sam, out of this god damned place–– I was supposed to be somewhere safe, where I wouldn't get poisoned by the best tasting champagne I have ever tasted. And this Fantasma–– what is he even trying to do? I am nothing special, I can't even walk in a straight line! I can't shoot someone, or do one of those cool tricks with knives that the main character does in movies, I am useless!

"I am not calling anyone." I clenched my jaw, throwing my phone to the side and letting it clatter on the shiny floor. "I can't call anyone, you hacked my phone."

"Aw, don't worry." He murmured, "I will buy you a new one."

"I don't need a new phone from you of all people–– someone who just hacked my freaking phone out of nowhere, might I add." I shook my head, walking past the guests who were now starting to panic. A woman was crying in the corner and there was a man throwing up in the middle of the floor. "Are they going to suffer?"

"They deserve it." A pause. "Now, run into the ladies washroom, and open the bottom cabinet–– first from the left. I have a little surprise for you in there."

I stumble into the washroom, opening the bottom cabinet. He better hope he didn't put a rat in there or something, because if he did, I am going to hunt him down and make sure he dies a slow and painful death–– of course, it was just an exaggeration, I can't hunt anything to save my life. I can't even find my socks, or my keys sometimes.

My heart dropped in my stomach when I realised what the surprise was.

A gun.

Which only means––

Oh god. No, I am not doing that.

"I am not killing anybody." My voice cracked. "I am not doing that, for god's sake, Fantasma, I––"

"Relax," He cooed. "You are not killing anyone. If I wanted to kill, I would do it myself." He chuckled under his breath, as if he was thinking about something funny. "You need to calm down, sweetheart, you are no good to me if you get a panic attack."

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