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Noah and I are a couple for two months now and everything is perfect. He never stopped to surprise me with small gifts, flowers, surprise dinners... He is full of ideas and resources. He is just incredible! He is making me so happy and I hope I'm making him as happy as I'm. In the last two months, we fought only one time because I don't want to mark him yet. The Lycan is the first who have to mark it mate, it's a protection to avoid the unwilling mating. Noah told me that He would have marked me for long now if he could.

The only bad note is his training with my father. I know he's struggling with his future King's position and to not help him my father is really hard with him. Still, he takes it and keeps coming every day for his training. That makes me really proud of him. Today, we have a meeting with the council. It will be the first time Noah assists to one of them. Hopefully everything we go smooth. A girl can dream.


Yes, a girl can dream. It didn't go well at all and Noah even left before the end. And I don't blame him, I would have done the same. They all attacked him about his purposes and how he still has to prove he's worth the position. Unbelievable! Who do they think they are to attack my mate like that. Once he left, I made my point of view really clear to all those pricks. I dare them to question my choice another time. Questioning Noah is doubting me, their future Queen. This is not unacceptable! I'm so pissed that I could kill them all.

"We need to talk." Dad says. He is walking toward his office with my mother so I'm following them.

"You shouldn't lose your calm like that. They have the right to doubt him." He says once we are all in his office and the door is closed.

"How could you say nothing? You let them attacked him!" I tell him, furious.

"He has to prove himself to them! And the fact he left is not pleading his case!" He replies.

"There is nothing to prove! He's my choice!"

"Still he is not only his mate he is our future King. He needs their approvable."

I scoff: " Why they would when everybody knows that you are not approving him!"

"I never said I didn't approve of him!" He protests.

"No need for that! The way you treat him says it all!"

"He needs to be tougher! I need to make sure he will be strong enough to be by your side! You need to be able to count on him!"

"And I know I can! He already proved it to me!" I yell.

"Everybody calms down now!" Mom says.

He sighs: "Baby girl, he is your choice of course I'm approving him. It's just to be King is really binding most of the time."

"He's right, my sweet baby girl. We just want what the best for you. You shouldn't have reacted like that in front of the council." Mom agrees with him.

"If they doubting him that means they are doubting me." I reply, angry again.

"You are doubting too." Dad says.

"No! I'm not!" I deny.

"Of course you do." Mom says.


"Than why didn't you mark him yet?" Dad asks.

"Because I'm not ready."

"Selina, we are Lycans. Our instinct is to claim what's ours as soon as possible. I'm sure you can feel the need to mark him still you're fighting it. If it's not because you're doubting he will be your king then why?" He asks again.

"I... I." I don't know what to say.

"See. You can't lie to yourself." He says.

I sit defeated: "I just want him to be happy and I don't know if he will never be if he becomes King."

"Princess, it's his choice. Let him be his choice." Mom says caressing my hair.

"I love him, mom, I can't do something that will make him unhappy. I don't want him to lose his magic."

"He is your mate, you should mark him. We both know there is no other one for you. I'm sure he will be able to keep his magic as Melinda did once Alistair remarked her. And If he doesn't want to be the King, we will find a solution. You are more than capable to govern alone if you have to." She says.

"Your mother is right. He is your happiness. I'm pushing him because I don't want you to do it alone. I know you can count on him as your mate but I want more for you. Be the Queen will already isolating you." Dad adds.

"I know... A few months ago I asked Tom if he could be my right hand. I don't want to push Noah to do something he doesn't want to. But I don't want to be alone either, so I think having a right hand with more power than any other council's members is a good idea." I explain to them.

"And it's. Has he agreed?" Mom asks.

I nod.

"Good, we will have to speak to him." Dad says.

"Don't scare him away, please!" I half-joke.

"I will not."

"Thanks! I need to go to check on Noah." I tell them before to get up.

"Not before I have my hug." Dad says opening his arms and I walk in.

"Selina's sandwich!" Mom says jumping on my back.

Noah taught me how to follow the mate bond to find him. The only thing that is not fair is I need more time than him as I can't teleport. Anyway, he's not that far. I can feel him in the city next door. And I'm not far from him anymore because now I can smell his sweet scent. Yep, he is sitting at a small table in a coffee shop. What is he doing here?

Suddenly, I realize that he is not alone. There is a woman sitting with him. She is a werewolf, I think. But something is off about the way they are acting, about the way they are looking at each other. But I can't put my finger on it... Until the truth drowns me, She is his mate! The one the Moon goddess has destined for him. I'm paralyzed on my feet. I can't move and I can't take my eyes off them. Is he going to reject me? I mean living with her will be so easier, no responsibilities, nobody judging you...Nobody asking you to give up who you're like those stupid council's men... What will be the sense of my life without him? I can't breathe anymore and I feel my eyes changing. I need to get out of here. NOW!

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