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I decided to write this book as an attempt to explain the Love of God.
His love is amazing, and beyond description. No one can explain it or comprehend it. I am just making a small attempt to scratch the surface of the love of god.

“God loves you” we have heard this but we need to understand this in the right way. As a father loves a son/daughter so does God love you and me.
A father corrects and disciplines us for our good , they chastise us in love. Even God disciplines us when we are about to hurt ourselves.

God is not only love , He is a holy and righteous God. He will not turn a blind eye to sin, he will punish it, remember that .
Never over emphasize one truth at the cost of other

Now let’s see the love of God that He expressed

[[ You might different opinions, so share your questions, doubts and opinions in the comments. Let’s have a peaceful conversation ]]

I will try to publish the rest of the parts of this book in few days. Stay tuned!
Stay tuned!!!

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