Missing the mark

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Jesus Christ is the Son of God, He came to this earth to take away the sins of mankind

Sin means to miss the target and we all have sinned that is, missed the target.

None of us are good, we might think we are good but we all are slaves to sin.

Sin separates us from God, it creates a crack in our relationship with God

God is love but He is also a Righteous God.He cannot overlook sin and ignore it. We all deserve to go to hell. God loves us so much yet we keep on breaking His heart by sinning against Him.

We all deserve the pain and flames of hell for sinning against not only the Almighty and Creator but also Our Father.

One might say,
"how can a loving God send someone to hell?”

First, God does not send anyone to hell. He gives you two options

a) spend eternity with God – heaven

b) spend eternity away from God – hell

whatever choice you make, God will respect it.
He is a Father who is giving you the freewill to choose.
He will not force you into heaven.
He respects the decision you make.
He will show you where both the paths lead, but which path to choose is completely your choice .

That being said, what hope do we have then since our end destination is hell? Is there hope? Yes, there is hope, He is JESUS CHRIST

Romans 6:23 
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 3:23 
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

If you have any questions or doubts either comment below or direct message me :)

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