Chapter 51 - Flying to New York

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Zack Cooper and Kelly Goodman stood in line at their departure gate at the Sacramento Airport. It was late in the evening on Thanksgiving day and they were both anticipating an overnight flight to their destination.

Kelly sighed, straightening slightly and shifting her weight as they stood in line.

"Are you okay?" Zack asked anxiously as he stood beside his girlfriend.

"I'm fine," Kelly told him.

"Your stomach isn't bothering you?" Zack asked.

"Not anymore," Kelly assured him.

"So you didn't get food poisoning or anything from Ashley's thanksgiving?" Zack wondered.

Kelly shot him an annoyed glance. "No. How could you even say that? Her dinner was really good."

"Did you think so?" Zack asked.

"Well her stuffing was a little soggy, and the pumpkin pie was sort of weird, but most of it was good," Kelly amended. "I doubt I could do any better if I tried to cook a Thanksgiving dinner."

"Yeah, but if we ever host Thanksgiving, we'll invite both our moms and they'll both help," Zack reminded her.

"Very true," Kelly agreed. "I don't think you can prevent my mom from helping at holiday dinners."

"My mom too," Zack said. "So what was wrong with you?"

Kelly shot him a cautious, uncertain, tentative look. They were standing in line with dozens of other people, not the most private of places to explain to her boyfriend what was on her mind.

"Can I tell you on the plane?" Kelly asked.

"Sure." Zack studied his girlfriend's expression. She didn't look sick exactly. Rather her expression looked worried. "What is it, Kell? What's wrong?"

"Zack, please!" she pleaded as quietly as she could.

"Yeah, okay. Our line is starting to move anyways," Zack said.

He picked up his girlfriend's carry-on as well as his own and carried them aboard the plane.

Flying across the country in coach, even when you're in the seats with a bit more leg room, isn't all that comfortable. Zack and Kelly found their seats were next to one another in a row with three seats. Zack had the window, Kelly had the middle, and they waited anxiously as the passengers behind them in line came on board, wondering is someone would be sitting in the seat next to the aisle. To their relief, no one did, which meant they had their row of seats to themselves. That was a good thing, Zack reasoned. It would give them a bit more privacy and hopefully a chance to talk about whatever was on Kelly's mind.

The couple remained quiet during the pre-flight instructions and checks, paying attention to the things the staff pointed out.

"It's important," Zack told his girlfriend. "Mom needed to know those things one time."

"Yeah, I know. My mom told me and I saw the movie," Kelly reminded him. "Hopefully we won't need it."

"Definitely," Zack readily agreed.

Making sure their hand luggage was properly stowed, the couple buckled their seatbelts and waited to take off. The Sacramento Airport was such a small airport the process didn't take nearly as long as it sometimes did. Before they knew it, they were airborne and on their way to New York.

Zack looked at Kelly once they were.

"We're alone, more or less. I don't think anyone else can hear what you say. So tell me. What's wrong with you, Kelly?" Zack asked.

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