Chapter 53 - Someplace Warm

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"Well, that was fun," Kevin remarked to no one in particular as the Goodmans and the Abernathys exited the elevator in the Abernathy's building, all with red noses and numb hands from the cold.

"It was," Susan agreed as she escorted them all inside the Abernathy's home, heading towards the kitchen.

"It was perfect," Zack agreed, looking pleased.

"It's a little early for dinner, but I could definitely use something to warm me up. Is anyone else interested in coffee, tea, hot coca or pie?" Susan offered.

"I'll take coffee, Mom, and some of the apple pie," Zack told her.

"Is that the only kind you have?" Kelly asked curiously.

"We also have some pumpkin, and some lemon meringue left from yesterday," Susan offered.

"Oh, I'll have some of the lemon," Kelly told her. "Can I have mine with tea?"

"Coming right up," Susan agreed, filling the kettle with water and setting it on the burner, before turning to prepare the coffee maker. "I'm also having tea."

"I'll have coffee, if you're making it," Kevin said.

"Me too," Shelly said.

"I was going to say coca, but perhaps I will join you for tea," Greg told his wife.

"What about you two?" Susan asked Bert and Jessie.

"Coca, no pie," Bert told her.

"Me too, Mama," Jessie said.

"Are you sure?" Susan asked in surprise

"Well, I would have pie, but I don't think it goes good with coca and I really want that," Jessie explained.

Heated pie and warm beverages went a long way to making everyone feel comfortable again. Once they were finished with their pie, the young people left the kitchen area and headed towards the family room, feeling warm once more. Susan got up to check on them and on Forest who was still confined upstairs. Shelly went with her, leaving Greg and Kevin alone at the kitchen table.


"I envy you, Greg," Kevin said thoughtfully, looking in the direction of the women once they were out of range.

"How so?" Greg wondered, suspecting Kevin was referring to the houses he owned. He and Susan had a wonderful home in California, and more recently they'd been blessed with this home here, a home that was becoming both more comfortable and more beautiful all the time. It was in fact surpassing all his expectations. But Kevin's answer surprised him.

"You have found and married your soulmate, at a time in your life when you still could," Kevin replied.

Greg arched his brow. "Have you found your soulmate?"

"I have. I'm not married to her, obviously, but I have found her. I've been telling her about the memories ... and she has them too. We think we were together ... once upon a time. But now ..." Kevin let that thought slip away. "I know I need to work on my marriage to Shelly. I know that should come first, but at present, that is growing more and more difficult to do. Shelly is attracted to Reuben. I'm drawn to Kathleen. The kids are old enough to tell the difference ... and I don't know what to do."

"It is not uncommon for those who do not encounter their soulmates young to marry others," Greg remarked.

"You did," Kevin replied.

"Not so," Greg told him. He considered the other man thoughtfully. "I was married twice before I met Susan. I raised my children with another woman. Susan was married to another man when I first met her."

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