'stubborn brat'

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It has been two weeks since Wooyoung stumbled out of San's apartment . Two weeks after he humiliated himself. Now and then the night they spent together, flashes inside his head.

Not only thinking about how bad the outcome of San's desire , but also at how it escalated so quickly. Apart from that he was just so pissed at how San's face has been flooding his mind recently.

Seemingly on edge, Wooyoung agreed to once again go to the same club with Mingi. He wanted to really get that one night thing out of his head, and maybe he'll even find a new one tonight.

He walked inside the club, trying to convince himself that he is not going there because he hoped to see San again.

At least he tried.

After few moments of grinding against strangers, and getting touched here and there without consent, Wooyoung brought himself to look for his friend Mingi. Planning to wrap up the night and just leave.

But as he walked towards where Mingi was, he felt his heart beat increased a little, seeing a familiar face. The last person he hoped he would come across again.

He walked towards them, his mouth dry unlike the time he was grinding to a stranger just now.

"Mingi" he called out to Mingi who seemed to be busy talking to another person besides the devil himself.

"oh Woo, come here " Mingi called out, obviously intoxicated.

"hi " Wooyoung greeted out towards the tall guy besides San. He was just as tall as Mingi.

"hi im Yunho, so you're the friend Mingi always talks about" he said smiling kindly to him.

"im Wooyoung, i really like your shirt" he replied , trying so hard not to look awkward in front of San who seemed to be watching, not very amused clearly.

"this is San" Yunho spoke again, not knowing the incident between the two of them.

Wooyoung smiled stiffly at San nodding his head, the incident flashes through his head.

Not the time he was amazingly wrecked on the bed by this guy in front of him, but the aftermath of how he couldn't walk and stayed at his apartment for only gods know how long. To adds to it, he also voluntarily, shared the same bed as San, with his ass wounded up, shamelessly sleeping comfortably.

He could still remember the nerve he felt as he struggled out of the olders embrace, out of his room, and stumbled down on his sofa trying to get out of the embarrassment chamber.

In conclusion, he was humiliated.

"Finally i got see you again" San said to the embarrassed boy in front of him.

"did you guys know each other? " Yunho asked the two of them. His face showed pure confusion, the same as Mingi.

"yeah,  i met him before here, can't quite rewind when is it" Wooyoung explained shortly.

"it was actually just two weeks ago" San said staring into Wooyoung's eyes making him feels small.

"that's great, im glad you already knew each other, i think we should get some more drinks " Mingi said but it was mostly directed to Yunho.

"i think I'll head out now, you guys should continue I'll find myself back " Wooyoung replied ensuring them he would do just fine heading home alone.

"you sure? I can go with you? " Mingi offered, his voice full of concern, feeling guilty.

"it okay, I'll be fine. Just call me tomorrow " Wooyoung convinced him.

He made his way out of the club after excusing himself. The cold air hit himself as he gripped on his sides, hoping to get home as soon as possible to get warmed up.

"Wooyoung" a voice called out to him as he was hailing a cab.

"yeah?" he replied as his heart beat increased again, not ready to come face to face alone with the person in front of him.

"you're going home right? " San asked softly but he stares deep into Wooyoung's eyes.

"yeah, " Was the only words he could reply him with. He felt himself turning red as he looks closer at the charming guy in front of him. Black shirt, two buttons undone, washed out ripped jeans, and slicked back hair, perfect he thought.

"let me give you a ride, im heading back home as well" San offered.

Wooyoung was taken aback with the offer as he thought San was enjoying his sweet time in the club.

"im good, my house is not even at the same direction as yours" Wooyoung explained.

He avoided eye contact with the other as he realized, San was really staring into his soul.

"i didn't ask" San replied leaving Wooyoung baffled.

"what do you mean? " Wooyoung said as he shrugged. He didn't know what was San's intentions.

" im getting you home, that's what i mean" San replied curtly. He was clearly not up for anymore debate.

"im in college i know how to get myself home, it's okay, it's none of your business to worry about " Wooyoung said getting shocked by his own guts to talk back to the older.

But felt confused as to why San was insisting to get him home. He was not a little innocent kids that would get lost in his way home. He felt challenged. And for sure did not want to look like a squirmy nervous brat in front of San.

" you're a stubborn brat" San said shortly saying the facts right into Wooyoung's face. Wooyoung stopped in his track feeling like his biggest complex is being repeatedly abused by the beautiful god creation in front of him.

" why would you- im not a stubborn brat! " he defended himself with the last pride he has.

"then if you're not just let me take you home, and make this easier for both of us" San said brushing a hair out of Wooyoung's face.

The younger felt as if his pride is being stomped on the ground by Choi San.

"but i said i don't want to" Wooyoung said, his forehead creased showing his clear hatred of being treated like a child.

"see, you totally behave like -" before San could even finish his words, it was cut by Wooyoung.

" I'll go with you but not because i wanted to" Wooyoung said not letting San to have the last words.

" come here" San spoke smirking slightly at the irritated cutie in front of him. Leading him towards his car.

He was not sure himself why he wanted to get him home. But for sure, going to the same club every friday hoping to see Wooyoung was enough sign that shows he really is attracted to him.

The night they shared together haunted his minds, and it was not just about the sex. His scent, his warmth as he held the boy, his eyes as he looked up to him, it was beautiful.

Hii guyss idk if there's still anyone reading this book or not but im continuing this. Sorry for not updating.

vote and give feedbacks

I might post one more chapter today


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