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<<Are you going home>> Jackson asked to Iain.

<<Yes. Why?>>.

<<You can come with us>>.

<<Don't I have a destiny, a future?>>.

<<The rules say that if you directly do something with the time for good you can be a Legend>>.



<<I should call my dad. After>>.

<<Ehi>> present Noah said to him self:<<Sorry for the punch>>.

<<Don't worry. I handled that>>.

<<You did the right thing to let Eobard take Iain's body>>.


<<You didn't. But I did and I know I did the right thing. If it ever happens to you, don't esitate>>.


Present Noah was desappearing:<<Be yourself>> he faded out.

<<<Are you guys still good friends?>> past Will asked to himself and present Scarlett.

<<Course>> she said.

<<What kind of question is this?>> present Will asked.

<<You guys keep being it>>.

<<We will>> past Scarlett said.

The present Will and Scarlett were desappearing.

<<Time to go>> he said.

<<Bye guys>> she said.

<<It was funny>> past Emma said.

<<Yes, it was>> present Emma said.

<<Absolutly>> present Jacob said.

<<You guys will desappear now>> past Jacob said.

<<Before we go, I just wanted to say that you guys should visit your parents more>> present Emma said.

<<Yes>> present Jacob said:<<This time's awesome. They can handle everything>>.

<<Thanks>> past Jacob said.

<<We will>> past Emma said.

The present Tremblays were desappearing.

<<Remember>> present Emma said:<<Legends never die>>.

<<I 'd have wanted to see myself do that>> Jackson said.

<<Guys>> Will said:<<New aberration>>.

<<My first mission after 3 minutes I became part of the Legends>>.

<<This is our work>> Scarlett said.

<<So let's go, captain?>> Jacob asked.

<<Let's go>> Emma said.

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