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이십|chapter twenty
the end

이십|chapter twentythe end終わり

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The couple's lives were chaotic, but nevertheless, they were happy, along with two little children who seems to be bringing more life in their lives.

Although they were older now, Jungkook was still famous, and also Taehyung, not forgetting their rising star in the house, Yunbyeol.

Personally they thought Jungwoo would model, but the boy got into composing songs and dancing when he grew up, while Yunbyeol started to have likes into modeling.

Jungwoo was starting his career as a trainee at Jinhit Entertainment, ran by the one and only Kim Seokjin and his husband, Kim Namjoon.

"Jeon Jungkook get your ass down here right now!" Taehyung yelled, his voice raging through the medium sized house.

Jungkook slowly went down woth a sheepish smile on his face, "Yes baby?" He said "You let Jungwoo watch those movies didn't you?!" Taehyung said with a harsh glare "Baby he's already 18" Jungkook reasoned, but oh, Taehyung was not having it today.

"Jeon fucking Jungkook, when I say Jungwoo is still my innocent baby,the he is! Don't go corrupting his mind and letting him watch Fifty Shades of Grey II!" Taehyung yelled making Jungkook look at him with slight fear.

"Mom it's not a big deal, dad's right" Jungwoo said, his voice trailing when he saw his mothers harsh glare, "Mom Jungwoo oppa watches po-" Yunbyeol didn't even get to finish her sentence when Jungwoo jumped on her, like literally jumped on her.

After the chaotic mess, they managed to calm down the mad tiger, but he was still mad at Jungkook and gave him the silent treatment, making the latter stare at him in despair.

"Baby talk to me" Jungkook whined for the nth time but still, his husband didn't budge and continued to ignore him as he busied himself on his phone.

Jungkook pouted and hugged Taehyung's waist, rubbing his head on the said male, "Baby..." Jungkook repeated again and again as he cuddled against his lover.

"Forgive this lonely husband of yours" Jungkook sair, trying his weapon, his puppy eyes, he learned to be a baby because of their bickering but hey, he had it in him, but he's still a top.

Taehyung pouted and cursed to himself, silently burying his head on the crook of Jungkook's neck, "How the fuck did I miss you already" Taehyung whined as he let the youngers body dominate his.

Jungkook changed their position and placed Taehyung on his lap, but letting thr older lay his head on his neck as he pleased.

"Oh thank god, baby I missed you" Jungkook said as he snuggled closer to his husband making the latter giggle at his cute lover.

They both had smiles on their faces, relieved that they were in each others arms again, the warmth and bliss never leaving them.

Although many people said that when you get married, it isn't as happy as you were dating.

It was partly true.

It's true that it isn't as fun and exciting, but that's because you grow up, but the same blissful feeling and warmth is surely still there, these couple are a living proof.

A knock on the door interrupted their sweet cuddle, the door opening slightly revealing two heads, they looked at their parents before going in, pillows in their hands as they both smiled at their parents.

The two jumped on the bed, breaking the two apart as they snuggled in between them, "It's sunday~" Yunbyeol sang as she cuddled in between her parents embrace.

The two may have gotten older,but the fact that their both clingy to their parents are still not going away, that's why they had this rule.

Every Sunday, they let the two sleep in their room to cuddle.

The same reason why Taehyung still treats the two like babies, as well as his husband sometimes.

"My byeol and jungwoo is so big now" Jungkook grunted as he was was yet again, unable to reach Taehyung, "Dad you sound like a grandpa!" Yunbyeol giggled as she and her brother teased their dad.

"He is a granpa" Jungwoo chuckled making the three laugh, "This young man" Jungkook said as he playfully glared at his son making them all burst out in laughter.

The laughter subsided after a while making a comfortable silence devour their night, "Daddy?" Yunbyeol whispered "Yes princess?" Jungkook answered "Can you bring me to school tomorrow?" She said sweetly making her father smile.

The two teenagers soon fell asleep and it was only the couple awake, "Baby?" Jungkook called making the latter hum in response "Let's have a date tomorrow?" He asked making Taehyung unconsciously smile.

"Yes please" He answered as he continued to rub circles on Jungwoo's back, "Dress handsome, handsome" Taehyung teased making Jungkook let out a small laugh.

Jungkook softly caressed Taehyung's hand that was slung over their sons waist, "I love you Tae" He said "I love you too" Taehyung whispered back, interlocking his fingers with Jungkook.

the end~

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