Chapter 4: Midnight Blast

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Date: March 22, 1895.

Location: Cupa's House

POV: Third Person

William slept peacefully on the couch in the living room. He snored like a bear as he continued to sleep soundly. Abruptly, sounds of bullets fired were heard coming from outside. As he heard the gunfire, he opened his eyes, getting up from the couch. He looked around, finding the source of the sound. Just then, a black figure came rushing into the front door. William grabbed his Winchester rifle on the table and aimed it at the figure. The figure closed the door and came into the light, revealing himself to be Antonio.

Antonio: "Hey! It's just me, Billy."

William: "Toni? What the bloody hell is going on?"

Antonio: "I'll explain later."

Suddenly, gunfire flew into the living room, breaking the windows.

Antonio: "Take cover!"

They ran to the kitchen and took cover from the heavy firing. William pulled out his repeating rifle and Antonio unholstered his LeMat revolver. William reloaded his rifle with bullets and cocked it. Two men ran into the front entrance, entering the living room. William saw them and fired two shots, neutralising the targets. Antonio cocked his revolver and fired at the man who was about to enter the house. William began to sweat profusely, hearing gunfire all around him. He breathed heavily as he fired on the men outside.

Then, a man came dashing into the kitchen through the backdoor. He aimed his rifle at Antonio. William saw him and was about to pump a bullet when an arrow whizzed, impaling the man in the neck. He fell onto the ground, next to William. He turned to look at the direction of where the arrow was fired and saw Cupa running into the kitchen with her bow and arrows. She took cover near William as she fired arrows at the men coming into her house.

Cupa: "Those damn bandits. How would they know we were here?"

William: "Why the hell are they killing us? Was it because of killing those bandits two days ago and yesterday?"

Antonio: "It seems so. They're just mad we killed their comrades."

William: "What a way to show some respect."

He rolled his eyes before peaking out from cover and shot two bandits in the stomach. Soon, dozens of bandits kept crawling into the house like cockroaches. Antonio came out from cover and moved forward into the living room while firing the bandits. William reloaded his rifle and Cupa kept firing her arrows. Suddenly, a bandit came out from the backdoor and tackled Cupa on the ground. She yelled in horror as the man clung onto her body.

Bandit: "Come here you!"

She struggled to remove the man from hanging onto her hoodie. She placed her hands on the man's face, blinding him momentarily. William pulled out his combat knife and sliced the man's throat open. Blood sprayed out from the man's neck, spilling on Cupa's hoodie like crimson paint. She cringed, kicking the man before accompanying William.

William: "We have to get out of this place. We can't stay here for long."

Cupa: "I've got my backpack with me with enough supplies to leave. Get your backpack and Toni's backpack and let's get out of here!"

William nodded. They got up from cover and William covered Cupa as they moved to the living room. Antonio grabbed his backpack and headbutted a bandit, firing his back neck. William grabbed his backpack and approached the entrance.

Antonio: "Come on! We gotta get out of here!"

The three exited the house while shooting the bandits. Around a dozen bandits were outside firing on the three. William shot a bandit before getting on Domino. Antonio mounted Valkyrie and fired three bandits. Cupa got on Smokey and joined William and Antonio as they rode into the woods. The bandit followed pursuit on their horses, chasing them down. The three entered the Viridian Plains and galloped as far as they could.

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