Chapter 8: Black Light

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Date: March 23, 1895

Location: Andr's House

POV: William Adams

I was asleep on the guest room's bed peacefully when I heard the door creak. I opened my eyes, lifted my body and checked to see who was at the door. To my surprise, it was Cupa. Why was she awake while everyone was asleep? I had to find out about it. I got out of bed and slowly approached her. She heard my footsteps, causing her to look behind and she saw me.

Cupa: "Will, what are you doing? Go back to sleep."

She was asking me to go back to sleep. I was curious to find out where she was going so I rebuked her statement without hesitation.

William: "I should be the one asking. Why are you going out in the middle of the night?"

Cupa: "Uh, Will. It's 11.00 p.m.."

I checked my watch and it said 11.00 p.m., just as Cupa said. At least it was near midnight, even though it was not the right time to leave the house as mobs were spawning outside the house.

William: "It's still near the dead of night."

She sighed, thence said:

Cupa: "Fine, I'll permit you. But don't tell anyone about this."

She pointed her index finger at me, giving it as a warning.

William: "Don't worry, I promise I won't tell this to anyone. I swear."

Cupa: "Good, follow me."

We exited the guest room, made our way through the living room towards the front door and exited the house without waking anyone up. Before we headed out, I grabbed my Winchester rifle and iron sword in case the mobs attacked us.

- Timeskip -

I followed Cupa as she was walking behind the house. As we reached the place, I saw five bottles balanced on five consecutive crates. I remembered seeing those crates behind Andr's house during the tour but I did not remember them being a shooting range. Cupa drew her Winchester 1866, showing it off to me.

Cupa: *smiling* "Check this out!"

William: "Where did you get that rifle?"

Cupa: "I bought it at the gun store, duh. I told Andr if she could lend me some money to buy this gun, she did and I was happy to have this rifle with me."

William: "Great, so what are you gonna do now?"

Cupa: "Training, of course! And since you're here, you're gonna have to teach me how to shoot a rifle."

William: "You seriously want to learn how to handle a rifle? *chuckles* You're just unbelievable."

Cupa: "Hey! Don't tease me like that! I'm a noob at shooting a rifle!"

She said, playfully punching my shoulder. I chuckled as her punch was not that stiff or rough.

William: *chuckles* "All right, I was just playing with you! You don't have to take things gravely."

Cupa: "Good, now teach me how to use a gun."

I smiled as I pulled out my Winchester 1876. I walked in front of Cupa and stopped at a comfortable position.

William: "First, you gotta make sure the gun is unloaded so you wouldn't fire randomly elsewhere."

My rifle was empty, so I pulled out ten bullets and loaded them into the chamber. Once it was loaded, I cocked my rifle. I looked back at Cupa, who was loading her rifle with ten bullets. After that, she cocked it just like how I did.

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