Chapter 12: The Quick And The Dead

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Date: 25 March 1895

Location: Arena Desert

POV: William Adams

The pursuit was on. We chased down Hector on our horses as he galloped across the desert. He had the map which led to Los Flores, without it we would be lost in the desert. We could not let him get away with the map. I focused on the path, speeding up my horse to match his speed. Domino galloped as quickly as it could towards Hector. Hector turned his head around and saw I was getting closer to him.

He looked to the front, took out something from his backpack and pulled out TNT. He lit it using flint and steel and tossed it behind him. The piece of TNT flew, heading towards my direction. I slowed down my horse and dodged the TNT as it exploded in mid air. I had to be careful as he would go on to throw more TNT at us. Antonio caught up to me, matching his horse speed with mine.

Antonio: "You saw what he did?"

William: "Yes, he's throwing TNT at us to stop our progress in chasing him. Looks like he's giving up the map easily."

Antonio: "Then, we'll just have to distance ourselves further from him so we wouldn't get caught in an explosion."

William: "Yeah, it sounds like a plan."

We splitted from each other and chased him in two different directions. Hector tossed another piece of TNT towards our direction. Antonio moved his horse to the right, dodging the TNT as it exploded. As he regained his momentum, a cactus was in front of him. He quickly reacted as he moved his horse out of the way to the right.

Hector was also using the terrain to his advantage such as the cacti. I pulled out my Colt revolver and fired a shot, which barely shot his horse's leg. He turned around and threw his piece of TNT before continuing straight towards a bridge. The TNT flew above our heads and to the back. I turned around and saw the TNT heading straight to Casey, Cupa and Andr. Casey moved her horse out of harm's way as it exploded near her.

Casey: "We have to stop him now!"

We crossed over the bridge of a river and were heading to another part of the desert. Antonio pulled out his LeMat revolver and shot Hector in the shoulder, wounding it. He groaned in pain as he turned around and growled at us. He pulled out his revolver and fired at Antonio. He dodged the shot and fired another, but it missed. I fired a shot which wounded Hector's other shoulder. The pain caused him to lose his grip, causing the revolver to fall off from his hand.

William; "We got him! He no longer can shoot us without his revolver!"

I looked to the front and saw cacti ahead of us. Hector seemed to know what he was doing as he galloped around the cacti in a zigzag formation. His move confused Antonio and I as we did not know why he was doing that.

Antonio: "What the hell? He's galloping sideways! What's he doing?"

William: "Something's wrong! He must be doing something!"

I paid close attention to his moves, analysing each of his horse's steps. As I analysed the formation, I knew what he was doing. He was moving sideways to confuse us so we could not fire shots at him as they would miss.

William: 'He's moving in a zigzag formation to confuse us, just like how a matador runs in a zigzag to confuse the bull for aiming at his cape. It's like us, we'll miss the shot if he continues to do so.' "Toni, I understand now. We won't be able to fire a shot at him, he's confusing us by galloping sideways."

Antonio: "What? What are you talking about?"

I demonstrated my explanation, cocking my revolver as I shot Hector which definitely missed.

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