"Romance & Cigarettes ":Part 1

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Susan decided to follow the blond this time and they ended up having a great night, filled with lots of wine and giggling. The ashtray they found outside was now full of cigarette butt's and their glasses empty but neither could care less even if they wanted too. For the first time since Jess left Sam back in 2009,she let her guard down. This was something she had promised never to do again but Susan changed her mind. Somehow she just knew that the red head wouldn't end up hurting her like the others. It was as if she could now finally be herself...

"Jess it's getting late, let's go inside" Susan stood, reaching for Jess's hand to help her up from the steps.



"I just wanted to tell you how happy I am, I haven't felt this happy in nearly 15 years" Jessica started crying, running upstairs past Susan, into her bedroom.

Susan tried catching up with her but stopped trying to when she realized the door was locked. After thinking for a moment she sat down and rested her back against the door's frame instead ."Jessie, please tell me what's wrong, was it something I did or say?" She waited but got no reply, all she could hear was a few sobs and the blond blowing her nose.

"Okay fine, you don't have to tell me but just know that I'm here for you...I'm a good listener and I've been told I give the best hugs"

Silence filled the cabin once more but just as the red head got ready to stand up she heard the key turning, she slowly pushed the door open, revealing a now tear stained Jess as well as a bin full of tissues. Susan pulled her closer and held her tight, eventually lifting her up and walking to the bed.

"I-I um...I never used to cry this much, when Sam started sleeping around I learned how to shut down my emotions but um...It doesn't seem to help when I'm around you and that scares me Sue, I just don't know what to do, I mean I didn't even cry when I was little."

"Jess, crying is natural okay, pushing everything down and hiding your feelings doesn't do you any good, it just makes it worse. Jessica you are allowed to be happy for once, please stop thinking in the past if that's what your doing because we've been over this. We cannot change what happened so there's no use crying over it"

"I'm not crying because of past events or because I don't think I'm allowed to be happy. I'm crying because I'm afraid of getting hurt again" The blond sighed and snuggled up closer to the red head

"I don't know what we are because you don't like labeling things but I'm in it for the long haul, I promised you won't get hurt, I know you've heard that before but I really mean it. Besides it's not like I have a dick I can't keep in my pants" She laughed getting a small chuckle in return from the blond. 

"How are you so good with words" Jess giggled, finally calming down and relaxing in the warmth of Susan's embrace

"Honey, I'm the eldest of nine, I've had lots of practice with them and my kids" She tried sounding serious but they just ended up laughing again.

"Thanks Sue...I promise to be less of a cry baby from now on"

"Deal, now come on, lets get some rest" Susan smiled and with that they both got under the covers and drifted off into a deep slumber.

Ps. this chapter is short because its only the first part,the next part will be longer😅}

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