Part 3

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Sirius was elated for the next few weeks. The rest of the summer was the best he ever had. Lily didn't want to go home for fear Snape would try and corner her again or Petunia would bully her. So she decided to stay the entire holiday. They played Quidditch, made cake, and did everything you can imagine three 16yearold kids doing. Sirius learned that Lily was not as uptight as he thought, of course, she had her moments, but she never turned down an opportunity to have some fun. In fact, Sirius and Lily became very close as they both had similar sibling issues and both cared for James deeply.
Sirius dreaded going back to Hogwarts, he couldn't bare seeing Remus, especially not after what happened.
Lily had pretty much-figured things out by the end of the holidays. And both James and Lily had frequent bets going on and were rooting for the soon to be a couple.
The day they left for Hogwarts was chaotic, to say the least, Lily of course was already packed but the boys were far from it. They left the house with only 10 minutes to spare but they somehow caught the train just in time. Just as they got on the train, laughing and breathing heavily, Remus stood there, waiting. Sirius's breath hitched when Remus finally came into view, he had grown to tower over all of them making him look (in Sirius's opinion) even more adorable.
"Where have you been?"
He asked, looking at their messy state.
"James and Sirius weren't ready,"
Lily said between taking in chunks of air.
"Ok... And what were you doing with them"
Remus said in a knowing tone that Lily knew very well.
"Well...Me and James... Are... Well..."
Lily started.
"We're dating,"
James said, putting his arm around Lily. Remus gave both of them a gentle and encouraging nod before walking into the compartment where Peter was.
Sirius didn't think he could last much longer in the compartment, he couldn't stop staring at Remus. He didn't want to, but he decided to ignore him altogether. He felt like it was the only way to control his feelings, to stop them from taking over. Remus slowly got progressively more and more annoyed at Sirius to the point where he thought he was going to explode.
They had gotten so close before the summer but Sirius ignored him ever since he felt so angry but he couldn't figure out why. He took one last look at Sirius before walking out of the compartment and as soon as he did Sirius's posture and facial expressions changed dramatically.
Lily tried to comfort Sirius but her mind kept wondering, why did Remus storm out like that? After a while, it clicked: Remus liked Sirius. With her eyes wide and mouth open, she gave James a knowing smirk before going out to find Remus.
Lily said as she popped her head into each cabinet, embarrassing herself a couple of times. She ran out of the place to look until it occurred to her, Remus would go to the front of the train, where all the coal was kept. Lily quickly ran to the front to find Remus, who was sat by the door.
Lily said softly
Remus replied, not looking up. Lily crouched down to his height as he was sitting down, to look him in the eye and said,
"You know... It's ok to like him"
"H-How did you "
Remus stuttered, finally looking up
"Wild guess"
Lily said with a smirk. Remus sighed
"We just got so close "
Lily interrupted
"Just give him a chance ok, he's been through a lot."
This made Remus sigh again before he got up, suddenly towering over Lily.
"Thanks, Lil, I just get so angry..."
"I know, we both know what it's like to have a 'time of the month' don't we??"
"Don't know what you're talking about"
Remus smirked back before walking out and into the compartment.
The feast felt different that year, more enclosed, more claustrophobic. Sirius tried his hardest to not glance at the Slytherin table, to look at his brother. Until he felt a hand grip his shoulder, which felt similar to his father's, shivers went down his spine as James tensed up next to him.
"How are you, Sirius?"
Regulus almost spat out his name.
"Reg please"
"NO, you deserve what they gave you. Your nothing to me, you are nothing to them nor to me. For you too fancy guys"
Regulus scoffed,
"That was a mistake I would not allow you to make"
spat Regulus before walking.
James started, but it was too late, Sirius was gone from the hall. James was just about to follow him but he felt a nudge. He looked up to see that it was Lily, he allowed her to direct his attention to Remus. Remus looked almost as angry as Sirius did, fists white and face red, he stormed out after Sirius. Leaving James and Lily with nothing but worry.

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