Part 1

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This had happened all his life. He kept it a secret because he knew what would happen if anyone found out, his parents would hurt Regulus. They didn't have much in common, but they cared for each other deeply. It was the only reason Sirius still hung on and his parents knew it. Except for one night, Regulus got him in trouble. Big trouble. Sirius had recently discovered that he was gay and that he fancied Remus. He had been writing songs and drawing pictures as a way of venting, to get it out of his system. He knew the risk but he just couldn't get Remus out of his head. He kept them as well hidden as he could, or so he thought. Kreacher found them whilst cleaning his room and showed them to Regulus, who later showed his parents. As a result, they have him the worst beating he has ever had. Normally they were just a few punches and kicks, with the cruciatus curse sometimes used, but this time... This time was worse.
They locked him in his room for days, no food or water then they beat him until he was unconscious. They took out on turns to watch over him and when he died the slightest movement the cruciatus curse was used. It was only at night when he wasn't being watched over.

After 2 days, Sirius had enough. He, quietly, stumbled to his trunk which he never unpacked anyways. His wand was the other side of the house, he needed it to get out. The windows and doors we locked so the only option was to apparate. As he was the heir to one of the biggest pureblood families in the U.K, his parents made him practice apparition years before anyone else. They spent days forcing him to learn until he collapsed.
They did this to show the other pureblood families that their heir was better and stronger than their own. That's all Sirius was to his parents: an heir.

He had only done it successfully twice but that risk was nothing compared to the pain that he had lived with for the past 16 years. He concentrated as hard as he could, picturing the outside of James's house that he had been to only a handful of times. He allowed his mind to get filled with the image of James's room. He desperately tried to remember each detail. After 5 minutes he was almost too exhausted to do it. But he knew it had to. Suddenly he felt a pull at his stomach as the room spun out of view. However, something didn't feel right. He felt lightheaded and as soon as James's room came into view, he collapsed onto the floor, unconscious.
An hour later Sirius awoke to see Lily tending to the arm that had been splinted and James sat next to her, looking worried. He tried to smile but it turned into more like a grimace due to the pain he was in, "Alright mate" he said, which instantly grabbed James and Lily's attention. "You alright?" James asked, to which Sirius responded with a shrug. "You finally get her then Prongs?" said Sirius, as he tried to change the subject. "Yeah," said James sheepishly "We were going to tell you but"
"You wanted one summer alone" Sirius finished for him, which made James blushed so dark he was almost the same color as Lily's hair. "Yeah". Lily was suspiciously quiet and as Sirius looked closer he could see tears in her eyes. Sirius's heart began to quicken its pace as he panicked, wondering if Lily had figured it out yet.
. "I'll er, go and get some more ointment," Lily said, looking at the floor she kissed James on the cheek before walking out. "She's quiet" Sirius commented
"She's worried about you mate, we don't hear from you for weeks and suddenly you appear with your stuff all splinted." James stopped as if scared to say what he wanted to. "Spit it out mate, it's me," Sirius said, fearing the worst. "We, er found some other wounds," James said, rubbing the back of his neck, not looking directly at Sirius. Sirius sighed, he knew that he would have to tell James what he had avoided for years, he would have to tell him the truth.

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