Part 2

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Part 2
"She's different now." He said. “I was too much of an asshole to see how beautiful she really was. Her heart was beautiful, and she cared so much about me and yet I never treated her the way she deserved to be treated."
"Why?" I asked trying to force out a smile.
"I feared her love; it was too intense for me. I could have been happy with her, but I was too much of a fool to notice she hasn’t smiled in a long time."
He spoke of me as if he were talking about someone else. Off course I understood, I am a different person now. I am focused on myself and living my best life. I have so many goals and so many dreams and I could not care less what other people are doing with their time. I do not have to feed on other people's approval anymore; their negativity does not affect me anymore.
"What a shame." I forced the words out.
He was not the man for me, he never was. Yelling at me during an argument never made him feel guilty; I could not keep him calm when his anger crept into our conversations. The only time he truly paid any attention to me was when I took of my clothes. There is no future in loving a fool like that.
"You know I'm happy now, right?" I tell him with a voice filled with joy. “I found someone who loves me for who I am, he is the best. He is polite and caring and treats me with so much respect, and never expects me to give him what he wants you know. He makes me happy"
He gazed away. Far from here.
"I thought when I saw you again, I would have had so much to tell you, so much hate, I wanted to make you feel the pain I coped with the past few months." I exclaim. “But yet, I'm speechless."
"I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that."
"No, I kind of did." I answered.
He looked at me, puzzled.
"I knew you were hurting me,” I continue. “I knew you weren't treating me right and that I deserved better...but I stayed. Sometimes you love someone so much that you let them hurt you, and that was my biggest mistake. I wanted you to touch me even if it made me bleed. I craved those seconds of happiness even though I knew it was going to end with tear stained pillow. I knew it was not right, but I kept on making excuses just to convince myself that this was love. I always put myself second, so I could've put you first...and I hoped that maybe one day you'll do the same for me."
His empty eyes stared at me as if he were trying to process the information through all the scattered memories. “You took some of my best days away from me." I told him as I got up and walked away.
My grandmother always said you must fight for what you love, but it will be a hopeless battle if he fights you and not with you.
I will not ever fall for a narcist again; I refuse to be controlled by a man. I glanced across the parking lot across the road. A sight of relieve to see my beat-up Subaru my dad still bought me right after I finished high school. I always use to call it my get-away car.
My body slams onto the cold hard tar that was once beneath my feet. I hear myself take a deep breath although I do not know when I stopped breathing, but before I knew my body took the breath it needed. For what seemed like an eternity I felt lifeless, unable to move a muscle in my body. A sudden warmth spreads through my body when I realize I have almost been hit by a truck.
When my sight got clear I was dazed by the view of a ravishing male face. The type you would see in movies, a masculine jaw line with eyes as blue as the oceans. A smirk that hides the naughtiest and darkest secrets and lips that hide untold stories. The angelic face formed into the shape of concern.
“Are you alright?” His British accent filled my ears.
I struggle to get up and the touch of his rough palm on my lower back feels like thousands of fairies dancing on my bare skin.
“Yes…yeah.” I mutter out beneath my breath.

Holy shit! He is gorgeous.
“Are you sure? You might have a concussion due to that nasty cut at your hairline.”
The words bounced of his heart shaped lips and before registering what he said I stepped back to get a better look.
“I’m fine.” I said sharply. “Thanks.”
“I can take a look at it for you?” 
“No, I’m fine…thank you.” I answered a bit shaken up. “I should go.”
“Sure.” He said while I walked away.
“Bye misses.” I heard fade away the faster sprinted away to my get away.

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