Part 4

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. Part 4
The smell of freshly brewed coffee wakes me up from a dazed sleep. Panic floods my body when I recall the happenings of the night before. My eyes darting around the room rapidly. I am in a silk covered white bedroom, very deluxe.
My heart stops when I see his figure sitting across the room in a cozy lounge chair.
“I’m Matthew. Matthew Grayson.” His eyes tease me. Leaning forward in his chair. “I made you some coffee, and there are fresh towels in the washroom.”
Anxiety and panic grab every nerve in my body, and my stomach feels like it is about to fall out of my ass.
It is the angelic face that rescued me from getting run over just days before.
“Don’t panic darling, you are safe. Wash up and I will make some breakfast. I’ll meet you downstairs in a bit.”
My breathing is erratic as my eyes are glued to his; somehow, I found calmness in his icy voice.
“You are safe my little lamb.” He says as he heads out of the room with a teasing chuckle.
I should call Cate and tell her what happened.  I stand up in a panic. Wearing the same dress as the night before, I head to the bathroom. A fresh lavender cent fills the air.
Next to an already run bubble bath is a chair with white towels, a black t-shirt, and a pair of trouser neatly stacked onto a heap.
As I let my small frame awkwardly walk down the crystal staircase I am greeted by the smell of toast and more coffee. My sight gets filled with Matthew behind the countertop in the kitchen. As I make my way to him, he noticed me.
“Slept well dear?” He asked me with a smirk on his face.
“Fine, thanks.” I reply in a daze of confusion.
“You know, you should really stop getting yourself into the claws of the wolf.” He giggles out while placing a sunny side up egg onto a plate and handing it to me.
“What happened last night?” I took a risk asking.
“Well, you see my dear.” He begins telling the tale while pouring some coffee. “I saw when you entered the club last night; you looked like a fish out of water.” He laughs of.
I stay silent awaiting his next words. My eyes fixed on perfectly cooked farmers breakfast in front of me.
“It was clearly not your decision to be there last night, so I kept my eyes on you. When I saw you were heading to the hall with Elliot, I saw trouble from miles away.” He continued.
“Elliot?” I mumble confused underneath my breath.
“Yes, Elliot. Don’t concern he has been taken care of.” He assures me and my eyes met his. Two pools of hazel filled with gold. A small smile breaks out on his face.
“What happened next?”
“I followed you to the bathroom and when I heard my damsel in distress. I knew I had to be the hero of the day, the Spiderman to your Jane.” He teased.
This whole situation was clearly a big boost for his ego.
“I didn’t need any help; I was fine on my own.” I tried to convince myself more than him.
“Sure, if you say so little lamb.” As I rolled my eyes at him, he passed me some cutlery and sat down across me.
“Can I borrow your cell? Cate must be in such a worry.” I asked as I was scooping up some bacon.
I honestly have not realized how starved I was till now.
“Catherine knows you are with me and I told her you’ll be home by noon.”
I was stunned by the news. How does Matthew know Cate?
“She’s a regular in the club; she even helps me out sometimes at the bar when the crowd gets too much.” He answered my unasked question. It was probably the confusion on my face that gave it away.
“Now eat up my lamb, you had a long night.” He continued as I stared at him in awe.
As soon as we finished, he asked Bertram to escort me home. This guy has his own butler!
Still dressed in Mathew’s clothes I make my way down the hallway to our apartment. Thank god there was nobody around to see my supposedly “walk of shame”. I knock on our apartment door seen as I do not have my keys with me and to my surprise the door flung open.
Richard’s face was not what I needed to see after the night I have had but I guess it was not unexpected.
“Morning ma’am.” He laughs out as I push him out of my way to get through the doorway.
Richard is Cate’s long term on-and-of fling. The scrawny, blond, blue eyed boy who was clearly in love with her. He seems to always end up with Cate in our apartment after a night out. Talk about some bad intoxicated decisions.
“Cate got up early to meet her mom in town.” Richard informs me as he makes his way to the boiling kettle.
“Oh, I remember her saying something about it. Strange that her mom takes interest in her life sudden.” I said talking mostly to myself.
“Strange.” He answers with a lack of interest. “You want some coffee; looks like you had a long night.”
“Yes, something like that. Listen do you know this guy, Matthew?” I ask as I make my way to my room.
“Not that I can recall of.”  His voice echo’s through the apartment.
“Hay, Richard. Do you know where Cate left my phone?” I yell to the kitchen from my room while unhooking my bra and slinging it through the sleeve of Matthew’s oversized shirt.
“Probably in her bedroom, but I’m not sure. Things got a little…” He says walking to my door. “Spicy.” His wink followed with a naughty laugh.
“You two are dangerous. You should stop with goofing around so many men.” I make my way down the short hallway opening Cate’s door. The after-sex smell fills my nostrils.
“Would it be so bad to open a fucking window or two?”
“No bro, it’s the essence of our love.” He says trying to keep a straight face but ended up laughing and spilling his coffee on the carpet.
“What is it with you and doorways?” I ask with annoyance in my voice as I push myself past him. “You better clean that up Rich!”
“now I’m going Alex; you clearly busy with PMS. Tell Cate I said bye for me doll face.” He said sliding past me in the hallway grabbing an apple from the basket in the kitchen and shooting out the door.
“Fuck face.” I mumble as I take of Matthew’s trousers leaving them in the hall. “Finally, some time alone.”
Switching on the TV and pouring myself some wine I plonked myself on the couch. Ready to watch some Grey’s Anatomy and fall asleep.

After a few episodes, the doorbell rang. Pulling myself of the couch I looked through the peep hole not being able to see who it is. Opening the door Matthew’s face comes into sight. Inches from my own. His to tight, blue t-shirt exposing his sharp color bone leaves me breathless. The mid-day light illuminating his jaw line, reflecting of his silk black hair.
“Hello little lamb.” He says after a moment of silence. “Didn’t your mother teach you it’s rude to stare?” He teased biting his lower lip, trying to hide a smile.
This is the part where I was supposed to say something, but I choked up on my words.
“I brought you your dress from last night. It’s straight from the dry cleaners.” He says looking me up and down.
“Thanks.” I choke out.
“Is it cold in here or are you just happy to see me.” He says referring to my clearly visible nipples.
Heat flushes my body when I realize I should be looking a mess and I am not even wearing trousers.
“Can I come in?” He smiles acknowledging my shyness.
“Sure.” I say and move aside tugging at the shirt hem so it can cover my but and hide my discolored panties.
“I’m just going to get dressed really quick.” I said making my way to my room stumbling over my own two feet.
In a hurry I rumble through my closet and pulled some lose shorts over my bottom. Fuck Cate, where are you?
“Would you like to drink something?” I ask as I walk towards him sitting on the kitchen stool.
“That would be nice. Thank you.” He says in a polite manner.
I fetch my glass filled halfway with wine and pour him a new glass.
“Thank you.” He says as he takes a sip. “I liked your panties. Mickey mouse, it’s cute.” He teases me with a grin.
“They are comfortable okay.” I said as my ears heat up with embarrassment. I lived a long enough life, the earth can just swallow me now, I would be happy.
“Don’t be so shy my little lamb, I’m just a person.” He says as he got up moving closer towards me. His face inches from mine. “You are so beautiful.” He whispers as he tugged a strand of my hair behind my ear. “An angel from above.” He whispers. His breath smells of fresh mint and sweet wine, he runs his cold thumb over my bottom lip, opening my mouth partly. I try to steady my breath, but I fell into a pit of his fragrance, drowning in pleasure. His rough hand tracing over my cheek. Every muscle in my body clenches as I try not to move, not to fall into his spell. He softly tugs at my earlobes with his teeth, his hands tracing down the back of his shirt.
“Is this okay?” He asks as he traces his hand above my pants line, his hand on my bare back. I shake my head giving consent. “Use your words my lamb.” He grinned as his lips placed small kisses down my neckline.
“Yes.” I choke out after a while as his hand cups my hip bone and moves to the front.
“Are you sure my lamb?”  He asks one more time as his soft lips start kissing mine roughly.
“Yes.” I plead out softly, almost too faint to be heard.
His hand slips down the front of my pants, his finger rubbing over the fabric of my panties on top of my clitoris, slowly and softly.
I close my eyes savoring the feeling as his other hand cups my bare breast underneath his shirt. His fingers moving over my already hardened nipple. I open my eyes as he lifts the shirt leaving my upper body bare against the cold counter behind me. Our eyes meet for a split second and I can see the fire raging within him.
“Beautiful.” He mutters as he lifts me onto the countertop spreading my legs open with his body between them. I gasp in pleasure as his hand slides into my shorts and his finger into me. My head tilled backwards as I exclaim in pleasure.
“Do you like that little lamb?” He asks just before he places his mouth over my one breast sucking at it with all his force. My body breaks out in whimpers when he pushes another finger into my vagina, massaging my G-spot roughly.
I grasp a hand full of his hair as my legs tighten around his waist. “Fuck!” I exclaim as a sudden warmness runs down my leg.
“Good girl.” He whispers as his fingers inside of me lose speed, caressing me softly.
The front door of our apartment swings open and Cate enters. I jump of the counter and cover myself with Matthew’s shirt in a split second. I can feel my cheeks already flooded with a bright red.
“Hello there.” Cate laughs as she walks into the apartment. “Hi Matthew.” She says with a big smile on her face, making sudden eye contact with me, raising her left eyebrow in a teasing manner.
“Afternoon Catherine.” Matthew says as he tilted his head slightly.
“Aren’t you two having fun?” Cate points out with a giggle.
I felt paralyzed being caught on the spot like this.
“Cate! That is enough, nothing happened!” I said sharply. Cate breaks out in a full-on laugh as she makes her way to her room, shaking her head.
“I think I should go.” Matthew says to me and kisses my forehead. “Bye for now, little lamb.”

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