Jade West x Reader

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* Y/N POV*

I was walking away from the food truck looking for my friend Tori I looked around when I saw her and walked to her table and said " Hey Tori can I sit with you?"  " Sure!" Tori replied " Whos your friend Tori?" A girl with jet black hair said with a smirk " Guys this is Y/N shes my friend from my old school she just tranfered here" Tori said. " Hello Y/N" A red headed girl said " Oh yeah I should probably introduce you guys " Tori said awkwardly " Y/N this is Cat , that's Robbie, Andre ,Beck And this is Jade" Tori said " Nice to meet you all" I smiled " Nice to meet you to " said Andre " I hope we can be friends" Robbie said Jade was just staring me down which made me nervous but I brushed it off. "Well we should get to our next class" Beck said and everyone nodded in reply 

* Time skip brought you by snickers*

We were all in class waiting for the teacher who was late " Is he always late?" I leaned to Tori and asked. "Yeah its a habit he has" I nodded and leaned back into my seat just then the door opened. A man came in he had no shoes and kinda looked like a hobo " Hello class today we have a new student please come up and introduce yourself miss" I nod and go up to the front of the class " Hello my name is Y/N Y/L/N I am from Y/C/N ( Your country name) I am Y/A ( Your age ) and I am into acting " I finish and look at Mr Sikowitz and see him drinking out of a coconut weird........ " Alright class today we will act out a scene" * Silence* Jade rolls her eyes and says " What scene?"  " Oh yes I will pick 3 students to act as chefs who work at pizza hut hmm Jade, Robbie and Y/N please come up to the stage". We all sit up and go to the stage " AND ACTION" Sikowitz says " ROBBIE YOU MESSED UP THE PIZZA !" I say " NO I DIDN'T IT IS JUST.... crispy" " IF CRISPY MEANS BURNT THEN YES ITS CRISPY" Jade yells " Its fine people like crispy......right" Robbie said " Yeah sureeeeeeeee they do" I replied " NO THEY DONT LIKE CRISPY YOU IDIOT" Jade yells " NO NEED TO BE MEAN" Robbie yells just then Jade 'hits' Robbie with a rowling pin.Robbie then falls down and is 'knocked out'.

* Jade's POV*

"WHY DID YOU HIT HIM?!" Y/N yells " CAUSE HES AN IDIOT" I Yelled back " JUST CAUSE SOMEONE BURNS A PIZZA DOES NOT MEAN THEY SHOULD GET WACKED WITH A ROWLING PIN" Y/N yells " WELL WHY NOT" I reply "AND SCENE" Sikowitz says. Robbie gets up and stands with us " Amazing you 3 work well toegether " He says then takes a sip of his coconut milk. 

* Bell rings* 

"Class dismissed you can all go now" We walk out of the room and head to out lockers to put our stuff away. I see Y/N walk up to me and I close my locker " Hey Jade I just wanted to say you did a good job in class" She says " Thanks I suppose you did good to" I reply " Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later " Y/N says nervously " Sure I have nothing better to do where you wanna go?" I say with a bored tone " Oh well I figured we could go to Yozus maybe " Sure its a date" I reply then walk away. " Wait a date?" Y/N says with a confused tone " Yeah I'll pick you up at 8 " I walk away with a wink.


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