Jade West x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

I was heading to lunch when I saw my girlfriend Jade sitting at our table I walked over to her " Hi babe" I said as I sat down next to her. " Hey babe" she said back " So how has your day been so far?" I asked " Its been decent nothing intresting has happended " just as she said that Tori and Trina and the rest of the group sat down at our table all yelling at eachother. " TRINA can you not follow us everywhere " Andre said " I can do whatever I want thank you very much Andy" She said " ITS ANDRE" Andre shouted back just then the shouting grew even louder and soon enough the entire school was looking at us " HELLO CAN YALL GO YOU INTERUPTED ME AND Y/N'S CONVERSATION" Jade piped up. As soon as she shouted everyone went silent " Thank you" Jade said sitting back down " Thank you Jade" I said after sighing at the idiots we call our friends or what I call my friends. "No problem love" Jade replied and smiled.  

* Time skip brought to you by Reeses *

I went to my locker to put my stuff away when I saw Jade walking towards me " Hey Jade" I said as I opened my locker " Hello Y/N " She said with a smirk " What evil plan are you thinking of now?" I said in a sarcastic tone and a smirk of my own. " Oh nothing " She said but I didn't believe her for a second we've been dating long enough for me to know when she's planning something " Come on I know your thinking of something " I reply " Okay fine you caught me " she raises her hands in defeat " I was thinking we pay the group back for interupting our conversation" she said in a mischevious tone " I'm listening " I reply with my eyebrow raised " Well I was thinking.............".

* Time skip brought to you by ( Insert funny joke ) *

* Jade's POV *

" Jade are you sure this plan is going to work?" Y/N asked " I'm sure of it Y/N " I reply as we waited for the rest to get here. We waited for about 5 minutes until they finally got here " Took them long enough we've been sitting in this car for forever" Y/N whispered " Its only been 5 minutes but yeah " I replied " So how is this gonna work exactly?" Y/N asked " You'll see " I replied with a smirk.  "...................... NOW" I shout while pressing a button on a remote " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" they all say in unison. They all fall in a hole with a net in it " WHAT WAS THIS FOR?!" Robbie yells " That was for interupting me and Y/N'S conversation with your shouting " I say with smirk " REALLY that for all of this?" Trina said clearly very angry " Yep" Y/N said " Ugh just help us out of here" Beck said. I turn to Y/N " Should we help them out?" I ask her " Nah" she replies with a smirk " OH NO YOU DONT YOUR GONNA HELP US OUT" Trina yells " Nah we have better things to do" I say I turn to Y/N and give her a quick a kiss on the lips " Lets go Y/N/N " I say " Lets" she replies with a smile I take her hand and we jump in the car and drive to get some food you can hear yelling in the distance. 

SORRY ITS SO SHORT I was really stumped with this chapter -~-

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