Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


The next morning Jungkook, who still was in his wolf form, and Yoongi went outside, playing in the snow for a bit. Yoongi was building a snowman, although he barely remembered the last time he had built one. It had to have been back in the days when he and Jimin had still went to the same school.

Jungkook spent most of the morning chewing on snow and Yoongi... at some point had the urge to just sit down and do the same. It seemed like such a relaxing activity in the way Jungkook did it, just lying in the snow and snapping at some of it every once in a while.

Yoongi sat down next to him, glad that his mother had given him proper water repellent pants and boots. "How does the snow taste?"

Jungkook barked, rolling onto his back, biting down on more snow as he dipped his head back.

A chuckle left Yoongi's lips. "Certainly looks like it."

Jungkook barked again, his tail wagging and pushing snow around. Yoongi's eyes fell on Jungkook's fangs. He remembered all the documentaries about how wolves usually fought for their rank among their pack. Usually a lot of baring teeth and playful fighting was involved.

"I'm your pack, right?" Yoongi asked curiously. The boy had said this before, but it was still a bit weird to Yoongi. He watched as Jungkook nodded.

"So shouldn't you be fighting with me for the right to be alpha?" Yoongi asked, genuinely interested. Well, obviously he and Jungkook weren't going to wrestle for who was stronger. The answer was obvious and Jungkook could really hurt him if they did. His incisors were a strong reminder of that. Yoongi still remembered that time Jungkook had snapped at his hand.

Jungkook huffed, pushing his snout against Yoongi's knee. Well, Yoongi really had no idea how to interpret that.

"Does that mean you would fight me? Or is fighting me ridiculous because I have no big bad wolf teeth?" Jungkook snorted. There was no other way to interpret the noise he made.

He heaved his heavy body up, moving closer to Yoongi before licking his face. Yoongi grimaced but let him. "I totally..." There was the lick into his mouth. Yoongi carefully pushed Jungkook's snout away from his face. "I totally feel like you are taking me serious right now."

Jungkook barked happily, his tail wagging before he settled back down into the snow.

Yoongi reached out and rubbed his exposed stomach. "But honestly. Isn't that, like, a normal thing to do to establish your rank within the pack?"

Jungkook just shifted his head to the side while also tilting it back to lick Yoongi's hand. "You are not going to answer me, right?"

Jungkook sent him a judgemental stare Yoongi decided to ínterpret as a 'how?'. Well, Jungkook was right. He couldn't just shift out here in the snow and then end up naked.

"Do we have different ranks in our little pack?" Yoongi asked, still rubbing the fluffy fur on Jungkook's stomach.

Jungkook made a head gesture that was a mix between a nod and a head shake. It was a maybe, Yoongi decided.

"So we do kind of have differences?"

Jungkook barked, then nodded and rolled more onto his back to properly enjoy all the affection he was receiving.

"So you're the leader of our little pack?" Yoongi asked, but to Yoongi's surprise Jungkook shook his head before dipping his face back into the snow and snapping at it.

"You're not? Am I?" Yoongi asked, still rubbing Jungkook's stomach.

Jungkook wagged his tail, once again rolling over onto his paws and then trudging the couple of steps through the snow towards Yoongi, where he pushed his snout against Yoongi's chest, rubbing his head against it. Yoongi was so caught by surprise that he simply got pushed back by Jungkook's strength and fell into the snow. Jungkook jumped at the opportunity and pressed his front paws to Yoongi's chest, supporting most of his weight on them before playfully licking Yoongi's cheek. His eyes just seemed to scream a joking 'I win'.

"Yeah alright, big strong alpha. You're the leader of our little pack." He pushed at Jungkook's chest, but the wolf stayed in place, shaking his head before nodding it towards Yoongi.

"So I'm actually strong enough to be the leader in your opinion?"

Once again Jungkook nodded, to Yoongi's surprise.

Yoongi brought his hand up to Jungkook's face, brushing his fingers over Jungkook's cheek, if one could call it that. "But you look a lot scarier with those teeth of yours." Maybe this was stupid, but he just had the urge to say it. "Show them to me. You've growled at me before... I kind of wanna see them again."

Jungkook looked at him for a couple of seconds, finally coming to a decision and licking his cheek one last time. Then he bared his teeth, a soft growl rippling through his body. Unlike last time his body wasn't tense, he wasn't ready to jump, to attack. The only scary thing was the throaty growl and the fact that Jungkook's teeth were mere centimeters away from Yoongi's face.

But it wasn't scary. Not really. Not when he knew that the wolf snarling at him right now was Jungkook. Instead he felt oddly proud. Proud of how strong Jungkook had become, which was a weird thing because he had no idea where those feelings were coming from. Slowly he brought his hand up again, reachin for Jungkook's ear and slowly scratching it. "Such a good, strong alpha... More than strong enough to protect us..." He had no idea where this was coming from. It just felt like the right thing to say.

Jungkook let out a noise of content, his teeth disappearing from Yoongi's field of view again. He watched as Jungkook got off his chest, taking a couple of steps away from Yoongi before suddenly throwing himself into the snow, excitedly rolling around.

Yoongi sat up to brush the snow off his jacket. He was feeling pretty cold, but he also wasn't quite willing to go back inside yet... that would have meant he wouldn't get to watch Jungkook anymore.

So instead of doing that he got up and moved towards the terrace, sitting down on one of the plastic chairs... just to watch Jungkook, who seemed more than just happy jumping around in the snow.


Out of curiousity, the stories of mine you guys have read so far... how would you rank them?

All the love<3

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