Gorgeous Was Reserved For Her

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Light filtered through the creaks of the heavy red drapes that were hung against the large glass windows.

It lit up the large room, basking it with a comfortable warmth.

I sighed, it was days like this that always found a way to ruin me.

I always felt content to just drift off to sleep, the gentle warmth lulling me away. 

Knock knock…

“My Lady? The Headmistress wishes to speak with you. Are you awake yet?”

Blinking the blurriness from my eyes I tried to clear the fog from my head.

“My Lady?” 

“Yes, please come in.” I rasped out, voice cracking from unuse.

Clearing my throat I untangled myself from the heavy blankets and crawled out of bed.

The woman walked in tentatively and immediately set to work. She pulled the blinds open despite my answering growl and began to make my bed.

Batting her hands away I made her forget the endeavor in favor of pulling me towards the bathroom. 

“Lisa! Please, what’s the hurry?” I asked as she roughly undressed me.

Attempting to stop her hands I pushed them away and undressed by myself.

Slipping into the bath I sank into the heated water with a pleasant sigh.

Lisa picked up the discarded clothes and threw them into a hamper. 

“The Headmistress wishes to speak with you shortly. She didn’t sound very pleased.”

Lisa bowed respectfully.

“I will be back with some breakfast. Please be dressed by the time I return My Lady.”

Then she slipped out of the bathroom silently.

Washing my face with the soothing water I tried to shake my nerves.

Lisa seemed worried, and I don’t blame her. My mother wasn’t the friendly type, if I kept her waiting who knows what will happen to the poor servants in her sight. 

Lisa was a pretty woman, with short black hair and pretty brown eyes. Her cheeks were round and rosy, an average figure and lightly tanned skin. She was kind, but not friendly. Quiet and submissive, but not a pushover.

Lisa was handpicked as a background filler.

She wasn’t too pretty to outshine, but she wasn’t too unappealing to cause a commotion.

No, Mother would never allow anyone of either classification to work in the Manor. 

They were supposed to be a background for her, a blank canvas that never drew attention away from her.

The only exception was me.

She made sure I stood out, but never outshined her.

She wanted me to find a wealthy husband, and to do that I have to look beautiful, but never gorgeous.

Gorgeous was reserved for her. 

Getting out of the tub I went to fetch some clothing. Pulling on a simple white dress I went to sit at my vanity and began to brush my hair.

Mother was certainly beautiful, a voluptuous physique, shining jewels for eyes, and pretty lush hair always pulled up into some sort of fancy updo.

But despite her beauty, she still craves more.

Every dance, every dinner, I see her attempt to suck out every beautiful thing in the room. 

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