Fuck. I Forgot To Give You Pants

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I growled as a hand wrapped around my shoulder and shook it. 
“Go away Drake.” I mumbled, pissed that Drake was disturbing my sleep again.

The shaking stopped for a moment before it came back twice as obnoxiously. 

“(Y/N), get up.”

Fluttering my eyes open I slapped the hand away. 
“My mother can wait, Drake. You know you’re not supposed to come into my room.” I said, yawning.

Drake never took no for an answer and I suppose I should consider myself lucky that his creepy affections were purely centered on my mother.

He was her little lap dog, and he loved every minute of it.

I hated the man, and I forbid him from entering my only safe haven, but if I didn’t answer the door on the second knock then he would come barreling in and snapping me awake without a second thought.

The hand left my shoulder and I stretched, rubbing my face. 
“(Y/N), I don’t know who this Drake is but I’m not him.”

I snapped my eyes open and sat up straight. Blinking away the fogginess from my head.

Looking around I realized I was in Kakashi’s apartment.

A flush flared up along my cheeks and to my ears. Snapping to Kakashi I fidgeted.

He looked down at me, a look in his lone eye I couldn’t quite place. He seemed concerned and confused, but there was also…something else. 

“Kakashi? Shit I must have…” I trailed off and rolled my shoulders.

Looking down I realized I fell asleep in my wedding gown. 

“You were only out for an hour, I wasn’t sure if I should wake you or not, but it’s getting late.”

I nodded to him and attempted to stand. I had already stripped out of the heels and jewelry, aside from my necklace.

Now that my mother wasn’t around, I could wear it whenever I wanted to.

There were little fake flowers all over the couch and I belatedly realized my hair had fallen out of its perfectly crafted design.

Scratching my head I attempted to loosen up the stiff strands. 

Kakashi wasn’t wearing a suit anymore, he was wearing a baggy black shirt and his hair was wet.

A shower sounded wonderful. 

“Why don’t you go take one, I’ll give you something to wear.”

It took my mind a second to realize he meant a shower.

Nodding absently I walked down the hall. Kakashi handed me a towel and a shirt before walking away.

Stepping into the bathroom I put everything down and eyed the shower. 

You think you’re so smart. Then you use someone elses fucking shower.’

I groaned as I realized I would have to experiment with the handles.

Sighing I attempted to undress but realized, mortifyingly, that there was a reason I needed the maids to help me get dressed.

Groaning I tried to get it off on my own. But I couldn't do it.

I almost fell twice in my attempt to remove the dress.

Growling in frustration I stared at the shower longingly.

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