What The Hell

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Shuffling through the paperwork I sighed tiredly.

Thirteen requests for arranged marriages, some even for the young Sasuke. 

He’s freaking fourteen, what the hell is wrong with these people?’

I growled and threw the paper away.

The doors opened and I looked up to see Gai and his team walk in.

Gai and Lee flash me a wide grin, full of sparkling teeth and a thumbs up. Neji nodded to me, and Tenten smiled politely.

I’ve run into Gai and his team a few times since working with the Hokage, along with Kurenai and her team.

I thought that Kiba was just adorable, Hinata was so shy it made me worried, and Shino kinda put me off but he seemed relatively nice. 

“(Y/N), lovely to see you again! Say, Kakashi owes me a match later!” Gai said, crushing me in a hug with his gorilla arms.

I gave a little laugh and smoothed out my slightly wrinkled shirt.

“You’ll have to wait till tomorrow, Kakashi went out on a mission a few days ago. He’ll be back later tonight but I’m sure he’ll be too tired to compete.”

Gai nodded his head briskly. 

“Yes of course, as usual my rival manages to best me. How lucky he is to have a wife like you!”

I cringed and gave a polite smile, Gai was always…eccentric.

The Hokage proceeded to give Gai the mission and they left with their signature goodbyes, Gai giving me another suffocating hug. 

“(Y/N) dear, could you please give these to Yuki?” Sandaime gruffed as he handed me a stack of papers.

Nodding I took the papers and turned to the door. 

“Wait! Sandaime you better fill out those documents! If I come back and they aren’t done I’ll take away those stupid books!” I threatened, turning around to look him in the eye.

Sandaime blanched and eyed his porn collection longingly before looking at the papers in disdain.

Then he sighed in defeat and began working through the pile.

I sighed wistfully. 

“Between you and Kakashi, I don’t know who's Jiraiya's bigger fan.”

Shaking my head I left the office and began the trek to Yuki’s office.

Yuki was in charge of sending off the agreements or apologies from the Hokage.

I looked down at the stack in my arms, reading the first document when I collided with something and the papers scattered. 

“Shit! I’m sorry!” I said, diving down and picking up the papers.

A hand started to help and I looked up to see a man smiling down kindly. 

“No, that was my bad.” He chuckled, pushing back his black hair and his russet brown eyes focusing on the ground.

Once everything was safe from the ground we stood up and he handed me the papers I missed. 

“Thank you.” I said and sidestepped the man, continuing my job.

He fell into step beside me and I raised an eyebrow at him. 

“My name is Mikado, I’m new to the Village and was actually supposed to meet the Hokage.”

He rubbed the back of his neck, he was only slightly taller than me.

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