I Don't Need You, But I Want You

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Groaning I awoke to an insistent knocking.

Grumbling I climbed out of bed and stumbled to the door.

Kakashi was out of the Village training with Sasuke, apparently, a lot happened during the exams.

I had asked about Naruto and Sakura, Kakashi had already appointed someone else to instruct Naruto.

I could only imagine how well that turned out.

Rolling my eyes at the thought I turned the knob to pull the door open.

Sakura didn’t pass the preliminary.

I was thinking of making a mini feast for the team after the last exam, to cheer them up and celebrate their accomplishments.

I mean, they did pass the first two tests.  

“(Y/N), it’s been awhile.”

Snapping my head to the source of that fatherly timber I gasped, tears springing into existence.

Lunging at the man with long white hair and red lines like tear streaks, I hugged him tightly and he caught my waist. 

“Jiraiya what are you doing here? Kakashi isn’t even in the Village, how did you know I was here?”

I pulled back and examined the man, happy to see he looked the same as ever. 

“Actually, Kakashi sent me a letter telling me that if I ever stopped by to come visit you. I saw your mother recently, she never said anything.”

I nodded, grumbling.

“Sounds like her. Anyways come in, come in.”

A blob of orange dashed past me and I blinked, never even realizing that Naruto was there. 

“Naruto? Was Jiraiya the instructor Kakashi gave you?” I asked, walking to the kitchen.

Naruto made a face, like he ate a lemon, and shook his head. 

“No! He gave me Ebisu! When Kakashi gets back I’m gonna rip him a new one!”

There was a glint in his bright blue eyes that told it as the promise it was.

Giggling I started to make breakfast. 

“You cook?” Jiraiya gruffed, seemingly surprised. 

“Yeah! (Y/N) makes awesome food!”

Naruto was practically vibrating out of his seat. 

“That’s because you only know ramen, and yes I cook. If I don’t we’d probably starve or live off of take out.” I laughed and scrapped some eggs onto plates for the boys.

Well, one boy and one old man. 

“So the marriage. You seem pretty happy.” Jiraiya commented, I knew he was fishing for any dejectedness.

I smiled lovingly at him. 

“I am. It was rough at first. But I’m happy where I am. It’s funny, I thought that this was the worst thing to happen to me. Turns out it was the best.”

I sat down next to Jiraiya and he took my hand. 

“I’m glad. When I found out about the marriage I had every intention of tearing Kakashi apart!”

I laughed and nodded my head.

“Do you love him?” Jiraiya was no longer high spirited.

He was serious.

Pausing I looked into his eyes, remembering how much of a father he was to me.

More than even my own. 

“I wish you were there to walk me down the aisle instead of my mother.” I said, and Jiraiya jerked in surprise before softening and nodding.

I smiled warmly.

“I love him. And he loves me.” I spoke just as seriously.

Then I turned to my food.

“I’m so glad I didn’t end up with Asuma!” I giggled and started to dig in.

Jiraiya laughed and followed suit. Naruto was already done.

Jiraiya, Naruto, and I talked for hours.

Having my father figure around made my heart swell. Then add Naruto, who more and more was starting to feel like a son, and I was soaring.

The only thing missing was Kakashi. 


Jiraiya and Naruto had to leave, something about getting some training and frogs.

Now I was all alone in the apartment.

Slightly sad that no one was around to keep me company I decided I should go out, maybe find Asuma or Kurenai or even Gai.

Maybe even Anko, a spunky woman I met when Kakashi and I went out to drink with his friends.

Anko seemed fun, but the way she eyed Kakashi put me on edge.

Then again, she eyed me the same way and I could tell Kakashi didn’t want me anywhere near her.

Ibiki seemed interesting, a bit stoic.

But then there was Iruka and Genma.

Well, someone had to have some spare time. 


Withholding a scream I reached for the necklace, holding Kakashi’s tag tightly. 

“Kakashi! You fucking scared me!” I cried, taking deep breaths.

He was standing in the middle of the living room.

I eyed him curiously.

“What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming back until the exam?” I asked worriedly, walking up and grabbing his hand.

He didn’t say anything, instead, he slipped the ring from my finger.

Watching him nervously I tried to stifle any panic I felt at the removal. 

But to my surprise, Kakashi brought himself down to one knee.

Still holding my hand he stared into my eyes, the love clearly showing through. He slipped the ring onto my finger again and kissed it with his cloth-covered lips. 

“I love you.” He said, standing up and kissing me, this time without the mask. 

“I love you too.” I murmured against his lips.

Pulling back in confusion I cupped his face.

“Now what’s this about?” I asked gently, running my thumbs across his cheeks.

Leaning in I kissed his beauty mark, then his scar, removing his headband to kiss his lidded Sharingan.

It never failed to calm him down. 

“Nothing. I just wanted to see you. I have to go back soon, though.” He sighed miserably and I giggled.

“Wanted to know if you needed me.” He murmured into the skin of my hand.

Grabbing his hand in my other one I kissed his knuckles. 

“I don’t need you.”

Kakashi went stiff and I hid a smile.

“But I want you.”

He relaxed against me again and huffed a laugh. 

“By the way, Naruto wants to kill you for assigning him to Ebisu.” I giggled as Kakashi let go of my hand to rub the back of his neck. 

Yeah,’  I thought, smiling up at him.

We’ll be fine.’ 

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