Smells Nice

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Turns out I’m quite gifted at being an assistant.

In just a few short hours I had the paperwork completely sorted.

Now that I have been working for the better half of a week things have been running much smoother.

Between the groups of time-sensitive and subject of the documents, I’d say there were over two-hundred documents a day.

But that is after removing any documents the Hokage decided weren’t worth looking at.

Aside from helping sort through the documents, I am also in charge of scheduling the Hokage for meetings with the Council and other important gatherings. 
At first, I wasn’t sure about working with the man that helped sell me, but I warmed up to him as he groveled over the paperwork.

Soon we fell into a comfortable routine of scolding and pouting.

Sometimes teams would come in, like a man named Gai and his three Genin.

He was an odd man, filled with too much energy and hardened muscle and wrapped in green spandex.

His team consisted of a broody long-haired boy, a mini Gai, and a respectful young lady.

Surprisingly, Gai claimed that he was at the wedding and we disappeared before he could introduce himself as Kakashi’s eternal rival.

Claiming that ditching our own wedding was ‘youthful.’

I tried not to think too hard about what he meant.  
Kakashi knows nothing about my work developments.

Ever since he had the nightmare, he’s been very distant.

In fact, he started missing dinner and leaving even earlier. He wouldn’t come home till real late.

When I asked him about it, he claimed that he’s been preparing his team for the upcoming Chunin exam, scheduled for next month.

I had nothing to say to that, so I just nodded and went to bed, but I stayed up all night knowing that this wasn’t because of his students, I couldn't help but feel it was because of me.

I wasn’t sure what I did, but it didn’t seem to matter. Kakashi was avoiding me, plain and simple. 
 Sighing I sorted through the new documents of today.

The doors slid open and I glanced up, seeing a girl with pink hair and pretty green eyes.

I looked back down, uninterested in the Genin looking for another mission.

But then I snapped my head up in surprise and backpedaled.

I recognized that hair.

There were only two pictures in the entirety of Kakashi’s apartment, and she was in one of them.

She was Kakashi’s student, along with a black-haired boy and a blonde with a sunny smile.

Kakashi stands behind them with a gentle hand on either side of the children on the ends.

The other picture was a young Kakashi next to a young boy with dorky goggles and a sweet-looking girl with cute little markings on her face. Behind them a soft smiling blond man with handsome blue eyes.

Kakashi’s sensei almost reminded me of the blonde boy on Kakashi’s team, seeing them side by side.

I would have asked, but Kakashi has never even breached the topic of his past.    
After the girl, came the familiar blond boy in a hideous orange jumpsuit and squinted eyes, three whisker marks across his cheeks.

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