Meeting some good...or bad folk

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Chris jr's P.O.V.

while i was going through the city there was some giant blimp looking machine flying past or towards me.

while i was going through the city there was some giant blimp looking machine flying past or towards me

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within it is the pilot of the ship,

a snake man called sir pentious (for some reason his hat looks a little alive)

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a snake man called sir pentious (for some reason his hat looks a little alive)

and with him,

are some crazy weird fucking egg people

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are some crazy weird fucking egg people. he was getting a little curious and a little peeved about me. so he did the next best thing, turn around and try to kill me. (NOT THE BEST IDEA ASSHOLE!)

Sir Pentious: hey! why didn't you stop? i was just about to give a proper shoot-down.

Chris jr: Oh sorry i-i was jus-

Sir Pentious: i know what you was doing. you were doing the old "why is there a big old robotic blimp trying to kill me? i should probably just try to ignore it and maybe it'll go away and not try to shoot me down" routine, WELL IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK THIS TIME!

all the ships guns aimmed right at me. i was shocked while they were pointed at me.

Chris jr: bye bye.

i ran so fucking fast pentious was shocked at my speed. so he got mad and started to chase me down while i dodged his gunshots.

i was like:

the mortal that is the doom slayer (a hazbin hotel X jojo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now