A familiar visitor

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Chris jr's P.O.V.

i had my own room in an instant. my room was in room #666, it was nice actual got a view of the entire city at one point but then i saw charlie at the front of the hotel on her phone.

she was waiting for her mom to pick up buuut it was on voicemail.

Charlie: hey mom um...i know i keep calling and you must be busy, "really" busy but um...the interview didn't go well and...i don"t know if i'm going to make a difference. (tears were coming out of her eyes:( and then she done wiped them off) i-i don't know what i'm doing. i could really use some advice mom. i...i think dad...was right about me. well anyway i'll stop talking before this gets long. l-love you bye.

she hung up and went back inside. and then i somehow appeared near the door because i know her sorrow.

Charlie: o-oh Chris i...didn't think you would be here...but um...how'd did you...

Chris jr: i heard what was going on with who your calling. your parents are the..."rulers" of this place?

Charlie: (sigh) you noticed that my parents Lucifer and Lilith...

Charlie: (sigh) you noticed that my parents Lucifer and Lilith

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Charlie: they ruled hell over about...a few years even before i was born.

Chris jr: i didn't think you haven't told me about this. i thought you were just a little something out of the ordinary.

Charlie: yeah...i guess you either...but now i think you might that to a question i've been asking to a purpose i needed of fufill.

Chris jr: answer?

Charlie: and i...i think that answer....is....love.

i was a little surprised when she said that.

Chris jr: look charlie i-i know that your plan to make demons better might not work, but i know how many question i needed to answer. and i just had one. and you...you gave the same answer.

Charlie looked a little surprised too and she was blessed by what i said and she just came up to me with the biggest hug she can give me, and then i hugged back. cause something about her answer really enlightened me through our hearts or something like that.

but we heard some knock at the door. and charlie came close to the door and then she opened it and it couldn't be who we thought it was...

it was the man charlie was talking about from dr eugalp's office

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it was the man charlie was talking about from dr eugalp's office.

Charlie & Chris jr: jonathan Joestar!?

Jonathan: i hear that something came up to Zeppeli's blimp

Charlie:...you mean Pentious right?

Jonathan: well my family transfered from heaven and somehow a blimp crashed by someone other than this man.

Charlie: who Chris? how could you tell that pentious is zeppeli?

Jonathan: because he was caesar's grandfather.

Chris jr & Charlie: 0_0!

we were shocked like crazy when he told us that.


joestar mansion, unknowingly rebuild in hell?  what a surprise

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joestar mansion, unknowingly rebuild in hell?  what a surprise.

Jonathan: hey dad i've got some visitors.

George: so this Ellison child is who mastered your hamon skills jojo

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George: so this Ellison child is who mastered your hamon skills jojo.

Chris jr: mastered? HAMON? what is thi- wha-ho-uh-if y'all got a little something to be going up about a little about learning magical skills that sounds fair to me...and him. (pointing at jonathan)

Rosie: oh jojo you came back. and you brought new friends along?

Chris jr: wow Jonathan i ain't gonna lie that girl is looking real elegant

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Chris jr: wow Jonathan i ain't gonna lie that girl is looking real elegant.

Rosie was blushing while i made that comment and Charlie was confused about it.

Jonathan well that um...she's my mom.

Chris jr: 0_0 YOUR MOM?! but i don't get it didn't she looked something like this?

Chris jr: 0_0 YOUR MOM?! but i don't get it didn't she looked something like this?

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Jonathan: yeah well she died even right after i was born at the time.

Rosie: poor boy really let himself go after dio took over.

Jonathan: i...just can't believe he's still alive though.

that got me wondering "could he be alive?"

Chris jr: nah. 

the mortal that is the doom slayer (a hazbin hotel X jojo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now