one helluva finale

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Chris jr's P.O.V.

as i was figuring out where dio was kinda weird that he ended up outside the city planning his massive blood-filled comeback.

Dio: man oh man, those monsters are gonna have good dreams, only those dreams'll turn into a nightmare, cause i think "i'm" dreaming (laughing massively diabolical and the accidentally falling off the ledge he was on, but it's really weird that he wasn't hurt through the fall, and then he got back up) i'm just going to be enjoying this moment for a few minutes because for once in my life-for once in my life-i, dio, will be basking in this lime light towards my death! (and then he started laughing again but then was interrupted by me.)

Chris jr: OH yeah, oh, lime light basking. Baskin' in the lime light (i laugh too) oh good times. (went closer to dio) but your basking ain't gonna take place here dio.


Chris jr: yeah like i haven't heard that before.

i summoned star platinum over heaven but dio's stand just had the same speed as mine.

Dio: so you're getting a back-up plan, well i'm gonna knuckle drag your-uh...this punch will, dio, will give you a...noogie? man puns are hard.

we just kept letting our stands punch it out for...i don't know how long?

Dio: okay i'm gonna knock this kid into his grave the only way i know how...

and then time stopped,

Dio: you know you've got guts kid, too bad i gotta rip them out of you.

as soon as he was about to strike...

Chris jr: wait wait wait wait.

Dio: WHAT?

i just moved in the frozen time!

Chris jr: woah. h-how did i do that?

Dio: yeah how "DID" you do that?

i was shocked and surprised about being able to move through the frozen time, but Dio...well...Dio did not take my reaction to his stand ability too lightly. so time went back, he told me to wait, came back, done grabbed a knife and well...

oh, and then the others were watching from a distance almost getting ready.

Chris jr: (off-screen at the distance) you know i might need to head to bathroom...if they got one.

Angel: did Chris just move while time wasn't?

back to me and Dio.

Dio: well you'll just have to go to one in your grave.

he used the knife he grabbed and then this happened.

the mortal that is the doom slayer (a hazbin hotel X jojo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now