Chapter 13: The Delivery

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"Mrs. Bakugo, you're completely dilated." The doctor said less than 2 hours after we had been rushed in.

"You're doing great sweetheart." Katsuki said as he held my hand and used his other hand to brush his fingers through my hair. 

"HNnngh!" I squeezed his hand as another contraction came in. "I'm...I'm sorry b—baby." I winced as it ended and tears ran down my face. "I don't—I don't want to hurt you." I said as I almost let go of his hand

"Heck baby girl, I don't care if you hurt me!" He snapped as he took it back. "Break it if you have to, okay? Okay?!?"

"All right." I conceded with a laugh. "I—I love you so much."

Katsuki knelt next to the bed and held my head as he kissed it. "I love you too, frostbite."

"One more push, Mrs. Bakugo, and she'll be here! Just one more!" The doctor urged me on. 

The next thing I knew after I screamed and gave that final push, there was a loud cry that filled the entire room as the tiny, flailing baby was put on my stomach.

"H—hey baby girl." I whispered as her screams began to quiet down slightly. "Wel—welcome to the world."

Katsuki was at a loss for words as he looked at her and then back at me with another kiss.

"She's—she's so beautiful." He murmured as he gently touched her cheek. "And tiny."

"All right Dad, ready to cut the cord?" The doctor asked.

It took Katsuki a second to register the new name as he went over and cut the cord, after which they put her into my arms.

"Hey there, firecracker." I cried as she finally stopped crying in my arms. "Your daddy and I have been waiting for you."

Katsuki slowly came back up to my side, resting his head on my shoulder as he looked at her and I.

"Baby, you are the strongest hero I've ever seen." He whispered as he smiled at the little grunt that came from our daughter.

"Even stronger than Ground Zero?" I snickered as he kissed my lips. 

"Ground Zero never made a new life and then pushed it out of his body, thank heavens."

"You did help. Only your daughter would scream as loud as she did. And not to mention her hair." I added as I looked at the fluffy blond hair that had white highlights.

"Tch. I'll give you that one." He snorted. "So...does the name still fit?"

"It was made for her." I replied as she began to open and close her mouth with the tiniest yawn. 

"Katsuhita it is." He said.

For a little while, we stayed like that. I fed her a little, and a couple of minutes later, the weariness set in.


"Yes baby?"

"Sweetheart, it's your turn." I said softly as I held the baby out to him. 

"You sure?"

I nodded with a big smile. "She's yours too, you know."

He almost ripped his shirt taking it off before he gently picked her up. She almost started crying until he started talking to her as he sat down.

"Oi, oi, oi baby girl. I got you. You've worried me and your mom enough for today, alright princess?" 

The sound of his voice almost immediately sent her back to sleep.

A Todoroki's Tale: Expecting a HeroWhere stories live. Discover now