Chapter 11: Danger

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"Katsuki..." I moaned as I failed getting up one morning, the sun hitting me square in the face.

"Coming." He said as his shadow came over me and he helped me sit up, hugging me at the same time.

I hugged him back, resting my head on his shoulder for a moment.

"Long night?" He asked knowingly.

I nodded with a yawn.

"Our little girl takes after you. I swear I wouldn't be surprised if she already has your quirk and comes out blowing things up." I sighed as I rubbed my protruding abdomen. "I feel huge and she doesn't want to sleep when I sleep unfortunately."

"You're not huge." Katsuki consoled me. "You have a passenger. I honestly wish I could help you more: I hate feeling helpless when it comes to making you feel better or making this easier." He added with a hint of worry as he looked down at our little girl, putting his hand over her and smiled a little as she kicked in response to his voice. "You can hardly even sit up without a help. And we're so close."

"Only a week left. You're doing great, Katsuki." I smiled as I placed my hand on his cheek. "You're already a great dad, and you've made this much easier. I can't imagine doing this without you."

Katsuki smiled as he kissed me. "You always know what to say. I'm going to finish getting ready for work, you can relax."

"Nah," I said as I slipped on my slippers. "At least let me get your breakfast and lunch set up."

"All right," he sighed, giving up trying to get me back in bed.

I hovered over the stove as I felt as I felt the familiar pain spreading from my back to my front, making me wince.

"You all right?" Katsuki asked as he took over the stove.

"Yeah. Braxton Hicks again." I took a deep breath as I sat down.

He gave me a worried look as he finished the eggs.

"I hate seeing you like this," he sighed as he served everything up.

"It's okay. It just means I'll be ready for the real thing," I sighed.

"Still...just text me later, okay?" He asked me as I followed him to the door.

"You think I have anything better to do?" I asked as I kissed him goodbye.

"Didn't you say Momo was coming over and you were going on a walk with her and the boys?"

"Dang it!" I yelped. "Love you!" I added as I scurried off to get some decent clothes on.

"Slow down! Sheesh!" He yelped in worry. "Take your time, you're carrying our baby girl!"

I paused and trotted back over to him. 

"I am. And I promise, everything will be fine. I need you to be focused while you're at work today. For us." I reminded him.

"All right." He sighed in resignation.

"So, are you excited?" Momo asked as we walked along the sidewalk, while I admired her two sleeping boys in the stroller, dead to the world in the spring air as they slept.

"I'm scared, excited, terrified, and beyond ready to be able to see my toes again." I laughed as the blanket drooped off of little Haruko's black hair. I reached down and pulled it back up as he looked up at me sleepily with my beloved brother's eyes.

"Shh Haruko. Close your eyes." I said with a smile as he yawned and fell back asleep, turning over slightly to hold the hand of his redheaded twin Ryoka.

A Todoroki's Tale: Expecting a HeroWhere stories live. Discover now