Chapter Oneshot: The Twins

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"They're so adorable!" I squealed as Shoto gently put one of his sons in my arms in the hospital. "Remind me which baby this is, onii-chan."

"That's Haruko. He has black hair, while Ryoka here is the redhead." Shoto said with a smile as he bounced his other son and turned to Katsuki. "Ready?"

"Hold it, I'm no good at this icy-hot, I—" He protested but Shoto just rolled his eyes as he put his son into Katsuki's arms. 

"Hold his head." Shoto said nonchalantly as he walked back over to Momo's side and began fixing her hair. 

"Momo, they're so sweet." I sighed as Haruko let out a little squeaky yawn. "Oh my goodness, I could die from how cute they are!"

"Please don't." Katsuki said as he looked like a statue, seemingly terrified of the newborn in his arms.

Momo laughed at his discomfort. "Katsuki, my baby isn't made of glass, I swear."

"Hey Shoto, take Haruko for a second." I said as I stood. Shoto took his tiny baby as I walked over and knelt next to Katsuki. "Hey baby, let your shoulders drop a little here. Relax."

"Uh...all right." He sighed in resignation as his shoulders fell slightly. 

"And now just spread your hand there...and prop his head up a little more...and there. Better?" I asked as I guided his hands and got a better look at the adorable redhead. 

I looked up and sighed as Katsuki stared at the baby like it was a live bomb.

"Katsuki-kun, it's not the end of the world if he cries. That's just how he communicates. Now, feeling a bit more comfortable?"

"Yeah. I'm good, what indicated otherwise?" He added defensively.

I rolled my eyes as I poked his cheek. "Your face. Now look at his face." I pointed at Ryoka. 

I couldn't help but grin as Katsuki's hardened expression melted slightly at the sight of Ryoka's little smile. 

We stayed for a little longer before Katsuki and I needed to leave for a meeting for the agency. 

"I want one." He said suddenly a few minutes later.

"One what?"

"I want kids." 

I recoiled slightly, but my shock quickly gave way to a small laugh. 

"Knew it, my big softie. Give us a few years and we'll get some." I reassured him as I held his arm. 

A year later at the wedding:


The two tiny voices made me look down at my adorable nephews.

"Ry, Haruko!" I cheered as I knelt down and let them jump into my arms. I had to repress the urge to squeal at the adorable little suits Momo had picked out for them.

"Auntie pwincess?" Ryoka asked in awe as he touched my necklace and looked up at my headpiece.

Before I could respond, Katsuki came up and grabbed the boys, who began to squeal in merriment as he spun them around.

"Yes, your auntie is a princess. She's my princess." He roared.

"No!" The twins laughed.

"No? What do you mean no?" Katsuki stopped in confusion as Haruko reached out and I took him.

"Auntie mine." Haruko said as he hugged my neck and Ryoka followed his brother as he reached out and clambered into my arms.

"Mine." Ryoka echoed his brother.

"Looks like you have competition, Katsuki-kun." I teased.

"Well, if I had to share her with anyone, I'd rather it be you two." He sighed as he shook his head and took Ryoka. "You wanna dance with us, Ry?" Katsuki asked as he took my now-free hand.

"Y—yeah!" Ryoka cheered.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Katsuki asked as he pulled Haruko and I close, Haruko and his brother laughing wildly as Katsuki began to spin us around.

About 18 months later:

"Auntie...fat." Haruko poked my baby bump during one of his parents' nights out.

"Hey, hey now, don't say that." Katsuki said quickly as he picked him up and sat next to me with him on my lap as Katsuki noticed my crestfallen face. My emotions had been volatile and even though I knew he didn't mean anything by it, it made me feel a bit sad. 

"Auntie?" Ryoka said as he crawled onto Katsuki's lap next to Haruko. 

"See kids, Auntie isn't fat. See this?" Katsuki put their hands on the bump. "This is a baby."

"Baby?" Haruko asked in confusion.

"Wait just a second." Katsuki reassured him. A minute later, and our baby girl kicked, making both of the boys' eyes widen in surprise.

"See boys? That's the baby. She's saying hello." 

"Hey-wo baby." Ryoka said as he put his head on the baby bump and looked back up at Katsuki. "Uncle, baby hear?"

"Yes," Katsuki nodded as he let their hands go. "Baby can hear you. Baby will be here soon." He added as he looked up at me.

I gave him a watery smile as he leaned over and kissed me. 

"When baby come?" Haruko asked as he looked up at us with his brown and blue eyes.

"Soon, kid. Soon." Katsuki reassured them as he noticed me yawn out of the corner of my mouth. "Now, who's ready for a bedtime story?"

"Story?!?" Ryoka practically pounced onto Katsuki with a yelp, landing on his chest and looking up at him adoringly with his blue and black eyes. 

"Yep." Katsuki groaned on impact as he grabbed Ryoka with one arm and Haruko with the other.

"Wait!" Haruko protested.

"What's up, squirt?"

Haruko pointed at me. 

"Say 'night to Auntie."

"Ohhh, good idea. Here you go, Auntie." Katsuki said with a wicked grin as he let them go and they smothered me with kisses. 

"Kiss baby?" Ryoka looked up at Katsuki as he pointed at the baby bump. 

"Sure kid. Go ahead." He shook his head with a grin as they both gave the bump a little kiss before turning back to Katsuki. 

"Now if you two want a story, you gotta catch me!" He said as he pretended to run away. 

"Nooooo!" They giggled and laughed as they tumbled over each other trying to catch him. 

"Be careful!" I laughed as I watched them run off before I put my hands over my little girl. 

"You have such a good daddy, little girl." I whispered with a big smile. 

A few minutes, the twins were in bed and that handsome father sat next to me as he spoke to the baby, telling her how'd she have to be prepared for the troublesome twins. He stopped abruptly as I kissed his head and he returned it. 

"I don't mind extra affection, but what brought that on?" He asked with a big smile.

"You're such a good daddy already is all." I said with a sigh as I rested on his shoulder.

"And you're the best mommy. Now take a break, icy-hot and Momo should be back soon. Relax a little." He reassured me as he gave me a little hug.

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