"You excited?" I asked Katsuki as he took my arm and we walked into the restaurant.
"Heh. Yeah." He nodded as he went up to the host. "We're looking for the Midoriya table."
"Right this way sir!" The young teen said as he eagerly led us to the back and paused for a moment as he held out his notepad.
"Could I have both of your autographs?" He bowed as he shook in excitement.
"Sure kid." Katsuki said as he signed it and handed it to me, which I signed with my hero name and snowflake doodle.
"Thank you so much!" He cheered and for a second I could have sworn he was trying not to squeal as he finished leading us to our private room, where all of our classmates were sitting.
"The party has arrived!" Mina squealed as she hugged me.
"Darn straight." Katsuki said as he pulled out the chair for me across from Midoriya and Ochaco and next to Shoto and Momo.
"Do you want to tell them now?" I whispered.
"Good idea." He whispered back as he cleared his throat.
"All right, I'm not going to repeat this, so listen closely." He groaned as he pushed his hair back and everyone looked up, slightly confused.
You know, I expected him to normal about this, but I knew I expected too much from this overenthusiastic husband of mine the moment he leaned over and helped me to my feet.
He stood behind me and pulled back my dress enough to reveal my baby bump and said with a massive grin, "I did that."
Everyone was dumbstruck for a moment before Kaminari spoke up.
"Dang Hotaru, I'm sorry."
"Why you little—" Katsuki growled.
"Kaminari!" I laughed as I slapped him gently on the shoulder while I held Katsuki back. "No murder in the restaurant please, baby."
"You're being too nice." Jirou said as she stabbed him with her ear-jack. "Apologize!"
"I was joking!" He protested as Ochaco stood up and hugged me.
"Congratulations!" She and Midoriya said as Midoriya gave Katsuki a high five.
"So finally coming along with competition for my son, eh?" Midoriya grinned.
"You knew it was coming eventually," Katsuki smirked.
"So how far along are you?" Ochaco asked.
"About 5 months. We found out the gender recently: if you going to place bets, you have one minute," I added loudly as I watched Sero, Kaminari,and Kirishima start placing their bets while I sat down.
"Hey, I want in." Midoriya asked as Ochaco and I continued to talk, mainly about how our baby would be only a few months younger than their little green-haired boy at home with his grandma.
"So my money is on boy." Kirishima said without a hint of hesitancy.
"I have to agree with you on that," Mina sighed. "I can't imagine Bakugo having anything else, honestly."
"Me too." Kaminari said as he rubbed his ear where Jirou had hit him.
"Nah, you're just looking at it wrong." Sero shook his head with a confident nod. "Just imagine what their daughter would be like, what with Hotaru's brutality and rational demeanor mixed with Bakugo's firepower and intelligence. That girl could destroy the world. My bet is girl."
"Oui, oui!" Aoyama agreed. "I am convinced that the glow emanating from dear Hotaru is a surefire sign that this baby will be a little lady for the ages! A ice queen like her mother!"
In the end, only Sero and Aoyama bet on girl.
"So ready to find out?" Katsuki asked as soon as everyone had decided. Then he turned to me and nodded.
"The baby is definitely going to be daddy's little girl." I laughed as everyone paid up to Sero, who grabbed it all with a piece of tape and began to split it between him and Aoyama, who had a triumphant glimmer in his eye.
"You couldn't at least have given me a hint?" Shoto asked as Sero took his money.
I shook my head. "Honestly I thought it might've been a boy, seeing Katsuki-kun's family track record. He was the one who thought it was a girl from the start." I sighed as I put my hands over my stomach and smiled over at Ochaco. "Who knows, maybe our babies will be friends."
Katsuki and Midoriya looked at each other in concern.
"I swear Deku, your boy makes a move on my girl, he's going to have to answer to me." Katsuki growled.
"Well, um, I'd feel the same if I had a daughter I guess." Deku said quickly.
"Boys. They're babies. And one hasn't even come out yet." I sighed as I leaned back. "Calm down, Katsuki-kun."
"Sorry baby." Katsuki said as he sat down.
Just then, I felt a slight, fluttering movement from my abdomen. Without missing a beat, I grabbed his hand and put it over her.
"She's kicking." I said in shock, a little teared up as Katsuki immediately put both of his hands over my bump and his face lit up with a huge smile.
"She's getting strong. Like her mama." Katsuki smirked.

A Todoroki's Tale: Expecting a Hero
FanfictionAfter school, Hotaru thought things would slow down for herself and her growing family. With all of her classmates getting married, having children, and becoming an aunt, she feels that everything is perfect, not to mention holding the #5 spot on th...