Stay With Me

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A few months ago

The sound of his clothes rustling against one another is heightened in the silence of the room, sending another jolt of nervousness down Seri's stomach, and she feels thankful that she has her back turned towards him. Standing in the kitchen, she pours another glass of water for him after drinking one herself in an attempt to calm her racing heart. The car ride back to her house was a quiet affair – neither of them ready to address the charged atmosphere between them that is brimming with sexual tension and suppressed desire – and she almost leaps out of the car when they stop in front of her apartment complex. She takes a deep breath before turning around to face him and finds him sitting on the arm of her couch. Jeong Hyeok has taken his jacket off with his tie loosened and his sleeves pushed up, and earlier she thought that he cannot possibly get hotter after wearing a suit. She steels her nerves and walks over to him.

"Do you want some water?" she quietly asks when she reaches his side.

He lifts his eyes to meet hers, the first time they have truly looked at each other since they left the theatre, and the exchange makes her heart beat faster. He accepts the drink with a gentle smile as if he knows what is going on in her mind. Then he carefully snakes an arm around her waist, gauging her reaction as he does, before pulling her closer when he feels no resistance. After drinking the entire contents of the glass, he leaves it on the side table and turns his full attention to the woman in his arms.

He studies her for a moment before softly asking, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Seri breathes out, placing both her hands on his chest to anchor herself from drifting too far deep into her thoughts. She feels a bit shy when his arm tightens around her, prompting her to take another step closer, before she decides to address the elephant in the room. "You know that I have never done this before, so... I'm not exactly sure where to start."

Jeong Hyeok chuckles in quiet delight, affectionately tucking her hair behind her ear before joining his other hand around her waist. "You are thinking too much, Seri-ah," he tells her in a gentle tone. "We don't have to do anything. If you are not ready for this, I can just kiss you goodnight and leave, and it will still be one of the best nights of my life."

Her lips twitch upward into a pretty smile as she slides her hands up his shoulders. "You are such a charmer," she teases as her fingers graze the short hairs above his nape. He shivers under her ministrations, and her voice significantly lowers when she asks him. "And is that what you want? To just kiss me and call it a night?"

Before he can say anything in response, her right hand reaches over to her left side where the zipper of her dress is. The mirth in his expression fades as his eyes follow the hand slowly pulling the tab lower and lower until it reaches the end on her thigh. The dress loosens – her heart feels like it is about to beat out of her chest – and a shiver runs up her spine when it drops and pools around her feet. He sucks in a sharp breath at the sight of her wearing nothing but a matching set of simple lingerie that shows more skin than it covers.

She lifts his chin up with her finger and leans in, bringing their lips inches apart, but he doesn't move to meet her halfway. He is still waiting for her to make the first move despite her already showing him what she wanted, and she falls in love all over again. After the briefest of pauses, she closes the distance between them, her lips coaxing his in a gentle caress, and hears him sharply inhale as they kiss. He pulls her closer, his hands warm against the bare skin of her back, until there is no space left between them, and she thinks that he is still wearing too many clothes. She breaks the kiss, barely, their faces only inches away from each other, and begins tugging off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. He helps her to quicken the process. And when his upper body is divested of clothing, he suddenly stands up, pulls her flush against him, and captures her lips into a kiss that makes her lightheaded.

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