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Chidera's P.O.V
  Did I just accept to go out with him? On a date? Well it's just dinner. I got out of bed, cleaned up, had breakfast and drove to work. I got in and met Mr. Pedro smiling, as in smiling, and at me? Wow! Today's gonna be awesome! Work went well and I was home real soon. I called Tracy to come keep me company, so I told her about tonight. Arrrhhhg! I wish I didn't. She was so excited that you'll think she won a jackpot. Peter came by later but left cos of Tracy. I told you they don't get along well. Peter had come in wearing a T-shirt and jeans,and Tracy told him "Nice tie" as a compliment.  He was so annoyed that he left, which I'm thankful for. I wouldn't need to lie to him about where I'll be going.[It's not like he cared though.]  Evening came and... I'm sure you already know that Our dear Tracy would make a fuss over my dressing up... [rolling my eyes]...
I met Jason at the Diner. You shouldn't be surprised, he was wowed. All thanks to Tracy. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. "You look dashing", he said. "Thank you", I blushed. We went in, placed our orders, and since the air is becoming thick with awkwardness, I decided to start a conversation. "So... what do you do asides proposing to random ladies you set your eyes on?", I started. He smiled. The smile that shows his perfectly set teeth.
  "Well, I don't really go about proposing to random women like you said. It just happened that you were in the right place at the wrong time. But I'm happy it happened cos I wouldn't have met a wonderful woman like you." He wouldn't stop making me blush. "I see. What do you do?", I asked again. "Business. I am interested in photography and traveling too. So I do all together, you know."  Wow! I love photography and traveling also. We chatted more and I discovered that we share a lot in common. I realized that being with Peter really changed me, I changed for him, I stopped being me. Peter and I don’t share common interests. We were so engrossed in the conversation that we lost track of time. 11:33pm. He later took me home,before heading to his, and called me again to wish me good night. Today was totally amazing!

  The next day got me having drinks with Peter in my apartment. We were about to cheer when he stopped suddenly. "Are you okay?", I asked with concern. "Seriously? Are you shitting me? I told you plain and clear that I'm not ready to get married? You went ahead and bought a ring? Are you trying to manipulate me into marriage with you? I thought you were better than that? Darn!", he spat. "You really think I'll do that? You actually think so low of me? FYI young man, a guy proposed to me. And I've been waiting 2 good weeks for you to notice the ring, since you wouldn't listen when I try to tell you about it?", I shot back. How dare he think so low of me?
"Seriously? When did you start cheating on me? You accepted another man's proposal while you're still with me? ", he continued. Oh Gawd! I tried calming myself down and explained everything to him. " That's all. I've tried telling you for the past two weeks but you kept brushing me off. ", I went on explaining.  " You have to return that ring! ", he pronounced and stormed out. Hmmmpphh! I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

Jason's P.O.V
I was at home resting when I heard a knock on the door. " Come in! ", I called out. "Oh! Chids. Didn't know you'll be coming today. Have a seat, please." Actually we've been going out lately,ever since our first date. And I found out we really have lots in common, things Mellisa never supported me in, I have Chidera's support. "So how's my ring doing?", I tried making a joke but she wasn't smiling. I held her face in my hands, then turned her to face me. "What's the matter?", I asked with concern. "Peter just found out about the ring and he got pissed. He asked me to return your ring." Oh! He just found out? That's ridiculous!  "Well, I'll like to meet with him."    "Are you serious?"    "100% I really want to meet my girlfriend's boyfriend", I teased and this time, she smiled. Her beautiful smile. Suddenly, the door opened and in came Mellisa. "Hey darling", she said, stressing the 'darling'. Bad timing! Darn! I put on a fake smile, "Uhmmmm, Mellisa, this is Chidera Wills. Chidera, this is Mellisa.", I introduced.
"Uhmmmm, it's nice to meet you Mellisa. Uhmmmm... I was just leaving. Goodbye. Bye Jason. ", Chids said, smiling politely. But the smile was wavering and she wouldn't look at me.

Things are getting really twisted.
Our Daddy has finally seen the ring.
Do you think Jason meeting with Peter is a good idea?
What do you say about Chidera's reaction? Is she being jealous?
How will Mellisa take the presence of Chidera in Jason's house?

Jason's P.O.V
"Jason?", I heard my name. Oh! Mellisa's here. I was still trying to let the feeling sink in. Chidera was jealous. Jealous of what? Of Mellisa? No, I don't think so. "Jason?", I heard my name again. "Uhmm... Sorry, you were saying?", I asked her. "What is going on,Jason? You didn't introduce me as your girlfriend. And that woman was wearing a ring. Are you cheating on me with a married woman?" Oh Gawd! I don't need this right now. I'm not in for her nagging this afternoon. "Jason, look into my eyes and tell me you are not cheating on me.", she demanded. I couldn't. I couldn't look her in the eye and say it. Technically, I was cheating on her. I've developed feelings for Chidera, I enjoy her company, I yearn for her like I do air. I wish the proposal was actually true, that we're really gonna get married soon. But... "OMG Jason! How many times have you slept with her?", she questioned. And that did it. "Don't you talk about Chids in that manner.",I snapped. " Oh! I see! Chids. Hmmm you got her a pet name." Mellisa is such a drama queen.  I took reins and controlled myself. I'm not gonna let Mellisa make this difficult. "Listen, Lisa and allow me to explain.", I pleaded. "OK I'm listening." Good! So, I reminded her about the dinner that she missed and blah blah. "You should have waited for me or brought the ring home.The ring is rightfully mine. I should be your fiancée,Jason, not her." Mellisa is so difficult.

Chidera's P.O.V
I got home and Peter was there, wine glass in hand, seems he was waiting for me. "Did you return the ring?", he asked immediately he saw me. "Not yet.", I replied.  "And why is that? You wanna marry him?" This guy should stop being so difficult. "He wants to see you", I informed. He laughed. The wicked laugh. "Well, it will be fun to meet the imbecile that wants to snatch my girlfriend.", he remarked. Hmmmm I wonder how I've been dating him for seven years without having ever think of strangling him.

The following day.
I was browsing the Internet when I heard a knock. I already informed Jason that Peter agreed to meet with him. He said the earlier he did, the better. He chose to come today and... I opened the door, it was him, Jason. I let him in and offered him a seat. Few minutes later, Peter arrived. "Uhmmm Peter this is...", I began the introduction but was interrupted by Peter. "Jason Parker?",he said, wearing his meanest look. " Peter Wicks?", Jason replied, totally suprised. "Are you the guy dating my girlfriend? What the heck man? Why are you always after everything that belongs to me?", Peter continued, his voice tinged with hatred.  "What are you talking about?", Jason asked, obviously confused.  "Don't dare play dumb with me." Who could have thought they knew each other? And they were rivals? "You guys better quit shouting at each other and tell me what the heck is going on here."
"You see this guy here? He's nothing but a crook! We went to high school together. He always got the best marks, the best grades. He stole my prize. He stole my position in the football team. He stole Mellisa and now he's trying to steal you from me.",Peter explained. What? I can't believe this!  "Peter, I stole nothing from you. I got the prize as a reward for my hard work. I was better than you in football and was added to the team. And Mellisa? She asked me out herself. You know I don't like her. I just kept her cos she's gonna scare other ladies away. You know fully well that I'm not interested in women. And I'm not trying to steal Chids away from you.",Jason explained calmly.  "You knew fully well that I loved Mellisa but you took her from me.", Peter yelled. "You only told me you liked her. You didn't make a move.", Jason fired back. I've heard enough of this!  Seriously?All this drama unfolding right in front of me,is totally unpredictable. "Stop shouting, you two! Peter, I'm not a 'thing'. You knew Mellisa? This is totally unbelievable! Both of you, get out of my house. I don't wanna see you anymore. And Jason, don't try to call me. Give me space to think." Peter went straight out, while Jason tarried a bit before leaving. This is too much for me. I need to talk to Tracy and let it all out.

Hmmmm things just got really complicated?
Do you think it would have been better if Jason hadn't met with Peter?
What do you think would be Mellisa's next line of action? If it were you, wouldn't you go get what's rightfully yours [the ring ]?

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