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This frozen heart of mine
Is about to hibernate by that time.
But just as I thought, that its only this and nothing more,
I was surprised by the unexpected visit of an old friendly foe,
Expecting a welcoming sojourn.

“why has hath to pay me a visit , O mysterious crow”

I asked for I am curious ,
About this furious
beast that lingers here around,
Driven by the sound
Coming deep within its core.
But lo, I wait. But all I get
Is a loud malicious whine — “Nevermore”
Giving shivers from my neck down to my spine.

Just like how she used to do before.
But after all, her nevermores
I shut the chances
By my chamber door.
For I fear the vices
Of this creature and its kind.
This decision comforts me, that I haven’t lose my mind.

Then I took a nap with eternities tap.
Hoping for a dream, or a much lucid scheme.
To escape this pallid chamber
And to ease this weariness that I feel.

But then, by the sudden choice of time,
A fool hath crossed the line.

I woke up in distress, from a blistering nightmare of disgrace.
I distaste this feeling of overwhelming fright inside my chest.

The room was in complete silence,
But the ticks of the clock breaks through this abyssal absence of  noise.
And from a distance, I heard a voice
Shouted  “nevermore!”.
I trembled in complete abhor.

I tried to scream, but there was nothing but silence. Echoing in the depths of the filthy darkness that occupies the nothingness of this cold yet direful night.

The ambiance of the air
Hath whispered me despair.

I felt frostbite at my face, It was my tears racing at my cheeks.
How I wish these are tears of joy, but my wish is ridiculously impossible.
How I tried to lessen the pain,
but pain is now the only thing that remains.

I think of a thousand thoughts, but I only wrote a few.
I wonder if it still is a poem, or an uncongenial noise, of a sour soul
               Putting into expression
               The throe of a heart
                Tearing itself apart.

From my cushion I jumped out,
My eyes searched around.
The silent moment was broken after another shout,

          “Nevermore!” screamed but not aloud.

I ran toward my window lattice
And there I saw, though not much to be notice.
The raven in my midnight dreams,
Fluttering her dark yet glossy wings.

I heard my fear
Murmured in my ear.
Not a single word was crystal clear
But I know its nothing but ironic cheers.

I uttered a cursed,
As I stare at one.
Then she gawk back to where I am.
Should I stay or start to run?
I hated my eyes that day
That I stared at her that way.

My limbs fell feeble.
Convulsing out of control.
She flit to where I stand.

O What have I done?

Next thing I knew
My weight’s against my window door.
Blocking what’s tapping,
Tapping as it’s been before.
O I could’ve foreknew,
What weigh this brings my shore
Thinking what’s dying
Dying as it did before.

I enjoyed those days the way that she did
But the terror I had — to dwell with the dead
Has sent that bird straight to her grave
The bird that I merely thought I can save.

I know a word would not be right,
To show you my contrite.
What drought can my reasons
Bring forth after my treason.
I plead your understanding.
Something you’ve given already.
But I know you’re wanting
More than just a sorry.

Flowers bloom, and passers pass.
Morning comes, and evening last.
You’re not the only beast that roams around.
Far my ways, you’re safer sound.

I know none of your misery
But my premises are valid fallacy.
Our line crossing, you know a sore
So I quote O raven, Nevermore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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