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"Mila! Let's go!" I say after a few minutes of waiting around in her classroom, it was a Friday night and I was so ready to go home. I had spent the day in court, battling for someone to not be charged with a crime they didn't commit

I won, of course.

"Miss Hart! I actually wanted to talk to you quickly.." Her teacher approached me. I internally groaned, my eyes flickering over to her with a small smile on my face "Father's Day is coming up..and with learning about it Mila has been saying she 'high-fives her daddy's picture' everyday?..is Milas father..around..?" She asked lightly

I internally groaned again, the worst topic to explain. "Milas father passed when I was still pregnant with her..or so I thought" I mumbled the last bit under my breath. She sent me a weird look, brushing it off "oh I'm so sorry! I'm sorry for your loss" she placed a hand on my shoulder

I shrugged "it's okay. we do great together" I smiled back over to Mila "were you and her father together?" She continued to ask. I sighed, "we were engaged. He was here one moment and then the next he wasn't..." I state quietly

She looked to my sympathetically again before Mila made her way over to us, taking my hand in hers "ready to go, baby?" I look down to her. She nods, "have a good weekwend Miss Baker!" Mila smiled up to her

"You too sweetheart! And Maya, again, I'm so sorry for your loss..if you ever need a hand, just let me know" she stated quietly, aware of Milas presence. I nodded, "thank you" I reply before taking her hand and leaving the classroom

If only she knew the truth..Imagine turning up to her house of of the blue, 'remember that time you said I'd I ever needed a hand then to let you know? I've come to drop Mila off for the day. At her fathers house'

I buckle Mila into the car, "how was your day baby?" I ask during the ride "it was good mommy! I wove miss baker! She's so cool!" She beamed excitedly "hey! Not cooler then mommy right?" I smirk

"No way! You're the coolest mommy" she smiled. I drove home satisfied, letting her run wild through the house as I slipped off my heels, flexing my toes as I laid on the couch tiredly

I pulled out my phone, dialling Riley's number "peaches? Everything okay?" She asked down the line "I saw Lucas again today" I reply. She gasped, "I'm putting you on speaker with Farkle! Where were you?" She questioned

"He came up to me again outside the school, he's a vet now..he asked me what I did for a living and we actually had a nice conversation.." I reply "are you getting to comfortable, Maya?" Farkle chipped in

"No! It was just nice to talk to him again. He asked if I thought my job was right, like if I agreed with it all the time..I told him that a wise person once said, remember to do what you think is right, always. You side with what's right, not what the jury thinks is right. And he looked over to me..he looked as if he knew it was familiar.." I smiled to myself

"Maya! That's too comfortable!" Riley hissed. I chuckled, "No..that wasn't even why I called..I was calling to see if Mila could come over tomorrow..mama needs a break" I sigh exhaustedly

Riley chuckled, "she sure can" she replied "but hey! Don't change the subject! What are you gonna do?" She added. I sighed, "I..I don't know..Nothing, I'm just gonna leave it as it is.." I decide

"Okay..despite the fact you don't leave things alone?" Farkle asked, I knew for a fact he was smirking. "Okay you know what? Suddenly I have to go make dinner. See you tomorrow" I hang up the phone, pushing myself up from the couch and heading over to the kitchen

My eyes scan the cupboards quickly, groaning and stomping my feet on the ground as I see no nutritional food that she can have for dinner "Mila! We have to go food shopping, let's go baby!" I call from the bottom of the stairs

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