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"Riley I can't be pregnant, he literally just left, he hasn't even got to this new country yet! How am I supposed to raise a child without him!" Maya freaked out in front of her

"Maya! He's gone for 6 months! The baby won't even be born by the time he gets back!" Riley replied, hoping to talk sense into the girl "okay but what If he doesn't want children! I'm only 21, Riley! I'm supposed to live in this big house by myself while being pregnant! What am I going to do if I can't open pickle jars!" Maya shrieked

"If you can't open a pickle jar then you call me and Farkle, who live not even 5 minutes away! Or you call Zay and Isadora, who live 7 minutes away! Maya you've known Lucas since middle school, you know he dreams of having a big family with four kids! You're engaged! Now is the perfect time to have a child!" Riley sat down beside her, talking as much sense into her as she could

"He just left Riley..he's going to want to come back.." maya sighed quietly. "Don't tell him, have it be a surprise! He's going to come back in 6 months to a pregnant fiancé! Imagine how much he will love it" she replied

"I mean..I guess.." Maya agreed with her "Now get some rest. There is no reason for you to worry about this Maya. You're old enough, you're engaged, you own a house, you have a successful career and so does he..you have 4 people at your doorstep whenever you need them, as well as our families in New York..we can do this" Riley smiled happily

Maya bit down on her lip, her hand finding its way to her stomach "okay..yea.." she nodded softly "lie with me..?" She added. "Of course!" Riley climbed into the bed beside her..lying down on the pillows

"Just think..in a few months there will be a mini Lucaya running around here..with mommy and daddy.." Riley dreamed, creating an image in Maya's head..

Multiple days later, Maya lay on her bed sorting through various files and cases. Maya was a lawyer, just like Topanga. She graduated at the end of last year, just before her 21st birthday.

A notification in the top left hand corner pulled her away from her work, loosing all thought process she had going on. Her heart skipped at the notification, pressing accept and watching Lucas' face appear on the screen

"Hi baby!" He smiled greatly as the camera panned over the blonde "hey..how are you?" She asked eagerly "I'm good..you know I'd rather be home with you.." he replied

She rolled her eyes playfully "wouldn't we all? What are you up to? How has it been?" She asked "I'm on the little break thing we get over here..uh it's very hot and I'm there's a lot going on with training and that sort of thing..the people are pretty cool though, everyone seems friendly.." he replied, his soft smile reappearing on his face

"mm heat! I could so do with lying in the sun.." maya dreamed in response. Lucas chuckled, "not much sunbathing happens over here, you aren't missing out.." he replied making her laugh. She rolled her eyes again "I know, silly!..I miss you.." her smile faulted

"I miss you too..god I miss you so much..but hey it's been a week, which means 23 weeks left" he replied, trying his hardest to keep the call happy "oh great! That's so super close!" She smirked sarcastically

"How's everyone? How's work?" He asked "they're okay..I'm pretty sure they're taking shifts to hang out with me every other night, hoping I wouldn't figure out..but I can tell.." she responded

"That's nice of them..I'm sure they're just trying to be best, supportive friends they can be" he smiled. She nodded, "Yea if course..work is boring, I was actually going over a case just before..a suspect in a murder.." she sighed, her eyes trailing back down to the papers in front of her

Lucas sighed, "oh for fucks sake..look baby we have timers for how long we can be online..I'm so sorry..I know you're gonna win that case, remember to do what you think is right, always. You side with what's right, not what the jury thinks is right..I'll support you always..I love you, I'm so sorry.." he stated

Maya bit down on her lip as he encouraged her to do her best, he's always so supportive "I love you too..call when you can..be safe.." she replied "I will, take care baby.." he spoke softly, hanging up the call just after..

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