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I trailed around my apartment picking up various items that were mine. I didn't have much stuff, there was no need for me too. All I really had were clothes and a few folders of paperwork from the military, hospital or my job.

I carried each box down to my car, sliding in the last one just in time for Amanda to pull into the carpark. I rolled my eyes, watching as she hurried over to me "y-you're moving out?" She stuttered

I nodded, "I am. I think it would be best if we don't see each other anymore" I reply sharply. Am I being too harsh? "Just like that? You're just gonna pack up everything in your life, throw me away like I'm nothing all for a child and a woman who you can't even remember? Who for all you know is lying to you about your memories? I think we should do DNA testing, what if she's using you?" She rambled on

aaannnd now I know I'm not being too harsh "are you fucking kidding? Have you seen that little girl? She's literally a mini girl version of me. I'm not DNA testing just to make you feel better, Amanda. You lied to me about me having a family for three years. Nothing can fix that" I state, leaving her side to my car door

"B-but what about what we have..you love me.." she pleaded. I screwed my face up "please. I wouldn't cross the road to piss on you if you were on fire" I hiss, getting into my car and starting the engine.

I pulled out of the car park, driving down the streets until I reached a familiar perfectly groomed home, the lawns perfectly mowed with a path lined by roses, the driveway leading up to the garage with Maya's perfectly symmetrically lined car parked outside

I pull in beside her, getting out of the car to see the door open, a wide smile on Mila's face "Baby! Come here!" I crouch down excitedly, letting her run into my arms before spinning her around, smothering her in kisses

She giggled, squirming around in my arms "daddy stop! You're making me laugh!" She squealed "Mila! What did I say about opening the front door-" Maya called from inside the house before stopping as she saw us

"Sorry mommy" she pouted "you're lucky daddy was here" maya leant against the doorframe "I was watching from the window! Daddy I so happy you're coming home" she mumbled, burying her face in my neck

"Well do you wanna help?" I question, letting her down onto the ground. She nods, taking one of the boxes in her hands with me mainly carrying it, guiding her to the door "look mommy!" She squealed

Maya laughed, "wow Baby you're so strong" she replied "thanks I know" I smirk warning a playful hit on the shoulder from her "I go play with my dolly's now" she let go of the box once we got inside, running up the stairs

I chuckled, my gaze turning back to maya who was still leaning against the doorframe "Maya..are you sure about this?..I can always just find my own place, I don't want to intrude on your life.." I question

"If you didn't want to intrude on my life then you wouldn't have over 10 years ago. You've always been in my life, Lucas. Even when you weren't" she smiled softly. I nodded, another smile forming onto my face

"Okay..great..where do I take them?" I question, gesturing to the boxes. She lead me up the stairs, opening the door to a bedroom "start in here. I don't want to give Mila the wrong Impression that we are sleeping together" she explained

"That makes perfect sense" I reply, dropping the box into the floor. After a few trips, I got all maybe 6 of the boxes inside, folding and hanging up clothes in the closet.

Maya wandered inside, climbing on top of my bed as I continued hanging up clothes "so..do you regret not telling her..?" She questioned. I shook my head, "I saw her as I was leaving, she was being pretty convincing..trying to get me to stay and telling me I loved her and all that" I explained

The breath visibly caught in her throat, her body tensing up slightly "o-oh..and you said..?" Her voice cracked. I felt sadness wash over me, a small smile growing on my face "I told her I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her if she was on fire" I state proudly

The tension instantly left her body, a loud giggle escaping her soft lips "no way..did you really" she looked to me unsure. I nodded, "100%. I'm so done with her; done with that part of my life..I'm ready to just focus on what's happening now" I smiled softly

"Well. what's happening now is that Maya is making Mac n cheese for dinner" she chuckled, standing up from the bed and exiting the room

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