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Third person

Lucas sat patiently at the table of a cafe, waiting for Zay to come. His eyes traced around the rim of the coffee cup in front of him as a way of distracting himself to pass tome

"Lucas! Hey" Zay slid into the chair in front of him, a smile on his face "how's it going?" Lucas questioned, returning the smile. "Pretty good. You?" He asked. Lucas chuckled softly, "I..I don't know..are things good or bad.." he joked

"Things may seem a bit complicated right now mate but trust me, the moment you meet that little girl, everything will feel so simple. Maya did the best job of raising her" Zay explained

"What was it like? Her being pregnant and raising her..I wish I could've been there.." Lucas sighed sadly "Maya was an absolute wreck while she was pregnant..you've got to remember that they told her you died 6 months into the pregnancy. If it wasn't for the fact she had a human inside that was partly you, I don't think she would've been able to get by. We used to rotate who would see her each day to help her out with work and dinners and stuff. After the baby was born things got better, I think she realised she had to be someone to this child. After she held her in her arms for the first time..man I'll never forget her face..it's like all the heartbreak in her life had all been fixed by this one baby. Maya adores her" Zay smiled as he thought about the past

"It must've been horrible for her.." Lucas mumbled. Zay nodded, "have you seen Mila before?" Zay questioned. Lucas nodded, "I saw them at the grocery store..I didn't really focus too much on her because Maya rushed her away..but yea.." he trailed off

Zay pulled out his phone, scrolling through his camera roll until he found a photo of Maya and Mila smiling to the camera. He turned it around, showing the photo to Lucas "this was at the beginning of the year.." Zay explained

A smile cracked onto Lucas' face as he zoomed in on the beautiful blonde and his daughter, her green eyes and dirty blonde hair that matched his "she looks like me" he mumbled "Maya raised her to have your personality..Maya as a child..she was a completely different character" Zay explained as he took back the phone

"How so?" Lucas questioned "well Maya was really rebellious. She spent nearly every evening in detention, she would ditch classes and sneak out every night..it wasn't until you and her started dating when she sort of calmed down, she started passing school and getting A's. She stopped ditching and sneaking out to parties..you really settled her down" Zay explained

"What was it like? Dating her?" Lucas questioned "..obviously I can't tell you how you or her felt..but by being around you guys..you could tell that you guys were gonna be together, even in middle school" he started "she said she would..tease me.?." He asked confused

Zay chuckled, "oh yes. That was during her rebellious stage. She would call you so many names, she would make fun of you from being from Texas.. she would square dance around you and she'd only ever talk to you with a thick southern accent..you'd always turn around and say 'do you even listen to me when I talk' and she would get right up in your face and shout 'ha-hurrr' as if it was the way you talked.." he explained making Lucas laugh

"Your guys love was unreal. Isadora and I would go through rough stages, So would Riley and Farkle, but you guys were perfect together...you never argued, you got on like a house on fire..you were the most supportive person in her life, she craved your love. Nothing could keep you guys apart, we used to say that you cherished the ground she walked on..that's how much you loved her.." Zay responded

"How did I propose to her?" He asked. Zay shrugged, "to this day, none of us know..you guys never told us, even after you died she wouldn't tell us. It was something that was just between you and her..all we know is that you proposed to her over here, you guys bought the house she lives in now, you used to own this big black truck, you adored it..it was like your second baby.." He stated

"What happened to it?" Lucas questioned. Zay shrugged, "we don't know. One day it was parked on the driveway, the next day it wasn't" he replied

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