Chapter Five

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NOV 6TH, 2038
PM 07:51:04


Connor opened his eyes to the familiar sight of the zen garden he would meet Amanda in to brief and debrief or to share information about the latest android related cases he handles. This time around, it was raining.

In his hand was a black umbrella which made him remember that it was similar to the umbrella he had held for Y/n yesterday morning. He wondered to himself why his mind had drifted to that memory but ignored it as he looked for Amanda.

He easily spots her and greets her. She offers a walk with him and he readily opens the umbrella for her, she begins with a comment about the deviant they had capture and Connor was sure to include that Y/n had actually been the one to capture it and not him.

"Ah, yes. Detective Y/n Anderson, the Lieutenant's daughter... I heard that she had taken over all android related cases. How is your relationship with the Detective?"

Connor thought back to Y/n and remembered her overall friendly personality towards him, she wasn't like her father who had clearly shown dislike for him in the get go. She was definitely an interesting person and was talented in her work. Their relationship seemed to keep getting better the more time they spent with each other.

"She is definitely friendlier and much more professional than the Lieutenant. She's also very talented and skilled, working with her had produced much more desirable results."

Amanda had stopped walking and looked at Connor for a bit; she gave him a warning. She was adamant that the problem be solved as soon as it can and Connor gave her his word that he would definitely solve the case.

"I will solve this investigation, Amanda. With the Detective with me I assure you that the success rate is higher. I won't disappoint you."

"You seem to think very highly of her... A new case just came in. Find Detective Anderson and investigate it."

Amanda walked away and Connor was left to mull over her words, of course he would think highly of Y/n, she was a remarkable detective and was just as invested in the investigation as he was. He disregarded all other thoughts and tried to get in contact with the Detective.


"Alright, Em. You be a good girl until your mom gets home okay?"

"Okay! Thanks for the ice cream, N/n!"

Emily gave Y/n a hug before running towards the front door of her home holding the ice cream she was half done with, the android of their family was already there waiting and met her with a hug. Y/n smiled before going back to her car and driving to the grocery store since it was still early.

She wasn't lucky enough to have a peaceful grocery run as a fight had began in the parking lot of the grocery store and she had to break it up. The men involved made fun of her at first but soon regretted it as all of them soon got either thrown or pepper sprayed. She requested for them to be transferred and detained before she left and placed her groceries inside the car.

After finally finishing it up, she saw that there had been multiple calls she hadn't answered from an unknown number. When she had played the voicemail from the number, it was from Connor informing her of a new case that had just came in. She called him back and it didn't even finish ringing for him to pick up.


"Hey, Con. Sorry about the missed calls, had to go grocery shopping and break up a fight. You know, your usual Saturday night."

Change (A Connor x Reader story based on Detroit Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now