Chapter Seven

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NOV 7TH, 2038
AM 00:42:06

When they got back to the entrance of the club, Hank was already debriefing with Collins. The other officers had already been dispatched to try and find the runaway androids and apparently Hank left out that Y/n had deliberately let them go in his report. She was somewhat grateful for that.

After a few hours of searching and completing their reports, there were no signs on the deviants and it was already half past 12 before they closed the investigation. Y/n was physically, mentally, and emotionally tired from the very eventful day and although she just wanted to lay down and sleep she knew she wouldn't be able to.

"You alright?" her father approached her with a bottle of cold soda as she leaned on her car.

"Yeah, I am. Just a little tired," she was offered the soda and thankfully took it. She drank around half of it before her father spoke up again.

"Connor mentioned you were upset that he decided to stay with me..."

Y/n didn't know why her father was suddenly bringing this up since she had forgotten what happened after the rush of the night's events and she also hadn't known that Connor would inform her father about it. She silently looked at her father and he took this as her way to continue.

"He told me that I should... try to make amends with you. His words, not mine," Hank shrugged and Y/n chuckled.

"So Connor's a he now?"

"It's easier that way, okay?" he grumbled but she smiled at him.

"Well... After what I've seen today it feels like Connor's got... something going on..." her gaze landed on Connor who was idly playing with a coin, she couldn't help the smile form on her face.

"Yeah... You know, he kept going on and on about conflict resolution on the way here and it pissed me off... He even gave me tips on how I should apologize to you, it was kind of annoying to listen to... But, then I realized... maybe he had a point."


Y/n now fully looked at her father who's eyes were looking down and she felt her heartbeat get faster in anticipation at what he was about to say. She saw him let out a big sigh and he then looked her straight in the eye.

"Y/n... These past few years... I have been nothing but a shitty father... I have been such a pain in the ass to you but you've done nothing but be patient towards me. You worry about me and you take care of me and I didn't know how to thank you or tell you so I just ignored it...

"You have no idea how everything you do means to me... You even stayed with me even though your mother told you again and again that I'm a lost cause... I'm really grateful, N/n... I know we can't get back what we've lost and I've got a lot of issues to deal with but... I want you to know that I'm sorry."

Y/n held her breath and she couldn't respond, her father just looked at her as she stared at him wide-eyed. He looked like he wanted to say something else but he closed his mouth.

"I'll get out of your hair, take care on the way home."

Hank left and walked over to his car, she watched him drive away from the club and Y/n stood there silently. Never had she thought that her father would apologize to her, much less in front of a sex club where a homicide had just happened.


She snapped out of her thoughts when Connor suddenly called her name. He was standing in front of her and seemed to be examining her and she could feel reality come back to her. She blinked a few times and shook her head to try to get her bearing.

Change (A Connor x Reader story based on Detroit Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now