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Alright so this chapter is a reference from the song "Bolnavi amandoi" by Irina Rimes, if you've ever listened to the song and watch the video at the same time you'd get the reference immediatly. So, uh yeah let's get into the chapter bois-


Person A and Person B had a toxic relationship between each other, so basically Person A was slowly snapping while Person B is just afraid of what could A do to them.

Person A was slowly going crazy so they pointed the trigger at themselves right in front of Person B staring at them with tears in their eyes, weeping and begging Person A to stop. Luckily, Person A put the trigger down but then pointed it at Person B because A thought that B was the toxic one in the relationship and the one causing trouble for A's sanity lately.

Person B sobbed even more having enough of this bullshit and so they ran straight to Person A hugging them tightly, either way Person A didn't shoot B. Once B was hugging the person, A teared up dropping the gun and slowly hugged Person B back


Hey so i've did it b0ss, give me the grand b0ss thank u very much b0ss did my job b0ss 

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