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Alright, one friend has been requested me to do a Jojian chapter. Wish me luck

George's pov


I am in Max' house for making a collab video with him and a guy named 'Ian', Max had told me about that Ian guy but he hadn't showed me what he looks like which im kinda excited to know him in person. 

Later on, me Max and Chad we're chatting and setting some stuff up for the video until..we heard knocks on the door. "Well, i think Ian has arrived. I knew that cunt has gotten the address correct" Max said, rushing to the door "who even fucking knocks these days when there's a goddamn bell??" Chad added but shushed by Max mumbling "stfu" then open the door, being greeted by one guy. Then realized that the guy is the one and only, Ian in flesh and bones, in person.

Ian's pov


"Hey there, Ian. Long time no see, come inside" Max said, letting me inside. "Wow, your house hansn't changed one bi-" then suddently i've stopped, looking at a asian dude staring at me..somehow it caught my attention just by staring at him back, he seems pretty cute the more i look at him.

There was a  moment of silence until the boy has started to spoke with a "why are we staring at each other? we just barely saw each other for the first time." then we did another a staring competition, making me almost laugh, so this time i broke the silence with a little represetation of myself "since we're going to work with each other and all, let me present myself. My name's Ian and i'm american" clasic and basic, now i sha'll wait for his response.

"Pfft what a lame presatation, but oh well..I'm George but please prefer to call me Joji, Half japanese half Australian." He said looking at me, i smiled then we shook hands "Nice to meet you then Joji. That's actually a really cute name for a guy like you" "uh..well, thanks for the compliment Ian.." he stuttered a bit smilling at my compliment, damn what a sweetheart..this is going to be a long day but worth it, i have to know more about Joji he seems actually pretty decent guy

(((( And i'm done, next chapter will be another plot haha. im not gonna continue this bad boi, unless......................LMAO AnYwAyS HaVe a NiCe dAy aNd sEe iN ThE NeXt cHaPtEr lOlOlOlOlOlOLoLoLoLo))

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