47(mix match)

22 1 0

Person A was taking off their clothes, in their room ofc while Person B was trying to find them to give them some object they'd left on the counter.

Since Person B has already realized that A is changing, their mind was like "Why not take a look C: ". So they did what their mind thought.

There are three options my man, 

The first option is : "Like what you see?" A smirked as they looked at the second letter blush and stutter like madness, and frick frack then lol

The second option is: A had noticed as they quickly grabbed a slipper and began chasing Person B and be like "GET BACC OVER HERE YOU FUCKING RAT-" 

And finally, the third option is just plain and simple: Person A was still changing, not even noticing who's watching them

Or just be creative, it doesn't have to be one of the options I said here, have fun :)

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